Chapter 3
Friendly Touching
“M UCH B ETTER O UTFIT .” Kaden set the plate full of food in front of me as I sat down, wearing blue jeans and an Oscar the Grouch T-shirt. “Now I’m not forced to not stare at all of the things I should not be staring at.”
“Exactly.” He sat down in front of me with his own plate. “So, back to your virginity.”
“Are you insane?” I sliced a piece of steak off. “I thought we agreed my virginity existed in the realm of things we shouldn’t discuss.”
“I just want to stress that my son may not be the person you should choose to lose your virginity to.”
“Oh.” I chewed on the steak and savored the sauce Kaden must have slathered on while he’d cooked it. “Do you have someone else in mind?”
“What? No. I’m just thinking that your first time should be with someone you love.”
“I love Jude.”
“Not the way you should when you’re giving away something so precious. Jude loves you, but not the way a man loves a woman, or am I wrong about this?”
“You’re not.”
“So, why would you give it to him?”
Heat flushed on my cheeks. I was sure my face held a red tint. This was not the topic I wanted to talk to anyone about, but especially not Kaden, my dad’s best friend and my virginity-taker-to-be’s father. Plus, the whole talking of sex thing filled the air with that odd energy between us. He still wore no shirt and continued to drip with gorgeousness. Each time I took a tiny peek at his smooth skin, caught a bit of that exotic tattoo art on his arms, or spied the lush curve of his full lips, I experienced a thrill between my thighs and disgust within my mind.
What’s wrong with me?
“Just wait for the right guy,” Kaden said.
“You’re not going to wait, are you?”
“Rainbow, you’re sweet and innocent.”
Laughter burst from my mouth. “Kaden, there is nothing sweet or innocent about me. I hang with Jude, for God’s sake. I’m not Snow Fucking White. Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’m some prissy little innocent girl.”
Before Dad had died, I’d done other things with many guys—kissing, touching, sucking, fingering, blow jobs—everything but actual penetration. Once Dad died, things changed. When I kissed or made out with a guy, sometimes I vomited afterward and sometimes I didn’t. I never figured out why certain guys triggered my body into sickness, while others only made my stomach rumble. Either way, it hadn’t taken long for news to spread around school that weirdo Rain tended to barf on guys’ shoes after making out. My list of suitors had transformed from full to nonexistent in one week. The only reason people continued to say hi to me was because Jude hung around me, and everyone hoped to be in his favor.
“Well, you must’ve had a reason to save your virginity,” Kaden offered. “Why give it up now? You might as well wait for the right guy.”
I stuck my fork into another piece of steak and swirled it around the plate, making circles and zigzag lines. “I just don’t feel like waiting anymore. I understand what you’re saying, but I’m freaking almost twenty-one and curious.”
“Of course you’re curious.”
And horny.
He cut into his own steak. “I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t rush into it.”
“Again, I’m twenty-one in two days. Clearly, I don’t rush into things.”
“Yet you’re acting desperate. You came here with lube and condoms.”
“Ouch. You’re saying I’m desperate.” I accidentally dropped my fork on the table. It hit the wood with a bang. “Thanks a lot. Wouldn’t desperate be standing on the corner with a huge sign, yelling out to anybody that walks by, ‘I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you destroy my hymen’?”
Kaden hadn’t seen me in five years and already thought he understood me in an hour or so of actions and conversation. Ridiculous. I huffed, got my fork, and punctured