my smile. The regret followed me into my small detached garage, stronger as I rolled my motorcycle into the sun. Dammit, I didn’t want to remember Gretchen. It seemed that every time I tried to focus on another woman, my former girlfriend’s face popped into view, angry and thin from the drugs. She’d been bad for me, but that was two years ago. My finances had nearly recovered. I was paying rent, I’d paid off my bike, my credit rating sounded less like a first-grade math problem. Maybe I could finally let it go.
I revved the bike’s engine and pointed it toward the shop, trying like hell to focus on the future. But the past chased me through the miles of shade trees and ranch homes, through cute neighborhoods to the outskirts of downtown Leesville, like a cop after a felon. As my bike’s tires ate up the miles, the arguments played in my brain, a vicious repetition of my hellish former relationship.
By the time my bike rolled down the narrow alley between Sinful Skin and the vacant store, my mood had soured. As I tucked the helmet under my arm and removed the key from the switch, I made up my mind.
Hailey was my employee and should be off limits. Besides, I wasn’t ready for another relationship. Even though she was gorgeous, smart, and funny, I’d try to stay away. She didn’t need my mental shit. The girl just wanted a job, not some douchebag grabbing at her.
My resolve lasted exactly thirty seconds. When I entered the shop and saw Hailey bent over the counter, pert little ass waving in the air as she studied some form or another, my mouth watered, my muscles tensed, and the poisonous memories floated away. Damn, she was hot.
“Morning,” I called to the room at large, trying to play it cool. The sharp scent of coffee greeted me as I dragged in a heavy breath. “Beautiful Saturday, isn’t it?”
Tasha shot a mistrustful glance at me from her position beside Hailey. “You’re awfully chipper.”
I shrugged and disappeared into my studio, tucking my helmet and backpack into the cabinet behind the door. I shook out my hands, rolling my shoulders in the privacy of the studio. Stay cool, Vanderhaven. So she’s hot, so what? No biggie . Pinning a carefree expression on my face, I sauntered back out to the counter, boots thudding softly on the shiny floor. As I neared, Hailey looked up from the computer and gifted me with the most gorgeous smile I’d seen in a very long time. “Morning to you, too. It is nice out.”
I shoved my hands in my pockets, hopeful that she couldn’t tell how her nearness affected me. Dammit, I was a grown man, not some horny teenager, despite what my crotch was thinking. My dick was so hard it almost hurt. “Yup.”
Silence stretched out between us. I wracked my brain for something to say, anything. Her white teeth caught her full pink lower lip as she looked up at me. Tasha cleared her throat, a sharp sound that seemed to knock us both back onto Planet Earth.
“I wanted to say thank you. For the job, I mean.” Hailey tucked her hair behind her ear, a movement that I was beginning to suspect was a nervous tic. “It’s really great of you to give me a shot.” She looked down at her feet. I followed her gaze, noting with pleasure the deep blue polish on her toenails. It was almost exactly the same color as the walls of Sinful Skin. I halfway hoped that she’d done it for the shop—no, for me.
“No problem,” I said with a thoughtful smile, hoping I was somehow able to ease her nerves. She seemed so jumpy. “Somebody gave me a shot once. I figure it’s time to pay it forward.”
A soft electronic beep sounded, and I glanced toward the front of the shop. Though we’d barely opened, a young guy, dressed in faded jeans and a white tee, was pushing through the door. It should make me happy, but it kind of irritated me that my brief conversation with Hailey was being interrupted.
Tasha beckoned to Hailey, who said, “Whoops. I’m supposed to go greet him.” Pink
Mark Williams, Danny Penman