Draw Me In

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Book: Draw Me In Read Online Free PDF
Author: Regina Cole Regina Cole
rushed Hailey’s cheeks, the color clashing beautifully with her peach tank.
    I tried hard not to laugh as she flew to the counter and beamed at the customer. Well, she was definitely eager. My gaze drifted downward, past the rippling fabric of her top to the curve of her ass, framed perfectly by her skinny jeans. I wondered what it would be like to peel the dark denim from her legs, run my hands along her soft thighs, let my lips trail higher . . .
    Tasha cleared her throat, jerking me out of my erotic daydream. She stood with her arms crossed, dark brows narrowed, giving me a clear look that said, Don’t even .
    “Neill, can you do a consultation?”
    I blinked to clear my lustful thoughts and nodded. “Sure. Yeah, of course. Follow me, man.”
    I led the customer into my studio, wondering what the hell I’d done by hiring Hailey. If I had to work beside her for the next few months, I’d have to figure out how to keep my damn libido quiet. Right now it looked like I would have to figure out a way to hide my semi-permanent hard-on.
    I looked up from the consent forms I was filing. An hour ago, Tasha had given me a list of tasks to take care of, and this was the last item. I had cleaned the desk area and gotten familiar with the filing system; met the other two artists, Roger and Frankie; made a run for paper towels; and researched some tattoo meanings for a client. It had certainly been a lot more fun than my early morning had been. Ugh. I didn’t want to talk to Dad again soon if I could help it. He’d mentioned his secretary at least three times during our conversation, and it had been all I could do to keep from snapping. At least I didn’t have to worry about talking to Mom. She wasn’t much for calling or texting, and I hadn’t sent my usual Facebook messages since she pulled her little disappearing act. I figured she deserved the silent treatment, and she apparently didn’t mind.
    I slipped the last paper into its spot in the filing cabinet, sighing with relief when the drawer slid shut, helped on its way by my hip.
    “Done?” Tasha called from her position at the other end of the counter. Her long nails clacked against the computer keyboard.
    I nodded, glancing out the large front windows at the setting sun. It’d be dark soon, but I felt like I’d gotten there only ten minutes ago. “I think so. Is there anything else you want me to do? I don’t mind.” I smoothed my hands down my jeans, wondering idly if Neill was still around. I hadn’t seen him since a couple of hours ago, when we passed one another in the small break room. He’d given me a wink that made my breath stick in my throat. Dammit, I really need to stay away from him.
    “No, we’re good. I’ve written a list for tomorrow, and that should get things caught up enough that you can focus on the customers who come in. They’re the top priority, no matter how many piles of forms you have stacked up, so remember that.” Tasha’s tone was matter-of-fact but kind. She smiled at me. “Good job today, by the way.”
    My cheeks heated at the praise, and I looked down at the floor. “Thanks.”
    “We open up at one, so you need to be here by twelve-thirty to get stuff ready.” Tasha sighed as she tossed her braids over her shoulder. “I wish I had a few more days to train you, but it is what it is, I guess. You’ll have to really work at learning the ropes, because these guys are useless.”
    “I heard that.” Neill appeared around the corner, and I stifled my grin.
    Tasha set her jaw as she swung her rolling chair around to face the boss. “It’s the truth. You couldn’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground if I wasn’t here to show you.”
    A playful scowl crossed Neill’s face, and he leaned against the wall like a sullen kid. I didn’t stifle my laugh in time, and he shot me a mock glare.
    He nodded toward me. “How’d she do?”
    “She’s smart. I think she’ll be fine.” Tasha turned toward me, her lip
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