the rear. Red Swords filled the courtyard when the king arrived. Prince Oscar was waiting and escorted the Knights into the library. The room was already filled with Arik’s closest advisors and friends.
“There is no need to ask if your travels were successful,” grinned Prince Oscar. “I know the reaction of the people of Tagaret to your restoring of the skies. The fairies have also brought word from every corner of Alcea. Your people worship you, Arik.”
“It is not their worship that I seek,” smiled Arik. “I wish only their loyalty.”
“You have that and much more,” interjected Konic Clava. “Did you have any problems with Sarac’s people?”
“Never saw them,” Arik shook his head. “We left Elderal immediately after restoring the Emerald of the Elves. Prince Garong rode with us as the elven representative.”
“Welcome to Tagaret, Prince Garong,” greeted Prince Oscar.
“Thank you,” nodded the elven prince.
“What gem is next?” asked Alan Markel.
“It will be the Dragons’ Onyx,” answered Tanya. “We should determine which direction we need to go.”
“We need a campfire for that,” frowned King Arik.
“I don’t think so,” offered Jenneva. “The fireplace here should do just fine. Did you get the bead from the Sword of Heavens?”
“Of course,” grinned Arik. “Colonel Nolan, light us a fire.”
General Gregor caught Arik’s attention while Zackary was lighting the fire.
“There are some disturbing items that need to be addressed before you leave on another quest, Your Highness,” the general stated. “The attack on Trekum appears imminent. I am sure that you are aware that once Trekum falls, there is no force between it and Melbin. Emperor Hanchi could be at the gates of Tagaret rather quickly unless we do something to slow them down.”
“You are not proposing that we send our army southward in support of Trekum, are you?” asked King Arik.
“Not at all,” General Gregor replied. “Emperor Hanchi is only one force opposing us. I strongly suspect that Sarac’s army will return to the Castle of Man after they find out that Mya is empty. Lieutenant Montbalm reports that the ogres and goblins remain camped in the pass. When Sarac’s army returns, the Castle of Man will likely fall.”
“Likely?” echoed the king. “I have seen the Castle of Man and I would not be so quick to write it off as a defensive fortress.”
“I do not write it off nonchalantly,” assured the general. “We learned from the elves that Sarac’s army contains a fair amount of wizards. Your own words stated that King Devon forbids the use of magic at the Castle of Man. Sarac’s forces will not be under any such restrictions. I am not a wizard myself, but I have heard tales of what Jenneva can do. Frankly, the thought of magic being used against the Castle of Man scares me.”
“Jenneva,” asked King Arik, “does the general have a valid fear?”
“He does,” nodded Jenneva. “If Sarac wants that pass open, and King Devon precludes the use of magic in its defense, the Castle of Man will fall. Even if we countered their magic with our own, it eventually will fall if Sarac is intent on coming through the Tor Pass.”
“Why wouldn’t he just take the easy way around?” asked Arik. “Surely he will lose a great number of his army ensuring that the pass is open to him.”
“Because he has lost every battle so far,” interjected Alex. “I cannot imagine the moral of his troops with the losses he has incurred. He will strike the Castle of Man because he has to. It shortens the trip to Tagaret for his forces, and it will signify his first victory. He can play it as a change in the tides of battle. His troops will be eager for more battle.”
“Very well,” sighed King Arik. “Let us find out about the next gem required by the Sword of Heavens. I will not leave Tagaret in search of the Dragons’ Onyx until we have developed a plan to defend the city against these
Richard Burton, Chris Williams