Dragons' Onyx

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Book: Dragons' Onyx Read Online Free PDF
Author: Richard S. Tuttle
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult
the campfire?”
    Wylan turned to Sheri and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close and kissed her tenderly.
    “The person that joked about you would be in serious need of a healer,” swore Wylan. “And I wouldn’t care if that person was King Arik. I love you more than I can describe with mere words. That would not change if I were riding again. In fact, my heart would ache for the lack of you. Still, I feel that being a Knight of Alcea is what I was born to do. How can I make you understand that that does not belittle my love for you?”
    “I think I do understand,” Sheri smiled weakly. “You would be thrilled if I rode with you and the Knights, like Tanya does.”
    “I would be thrilled,” grinned Wylan. “I would also be constantly worried about you. Why are we torturing ourselves with this fantasy? You are not a warrior that can ride with the Knights of Alcea, and I have less chance of doing so than you do. I should not even be thinking such a thing.”
    “Maybe not,” mused Sheri as she wiped her tears, “but this talk is helping me to understand you better. I am glad that you are willing to be honest with me, even though you know it might hurt my feelings. It shows that you respect me.”
    Wylan turned away from Sheri and stared towards the western gates. Sheri was puzzled by Wylan’s move. It was as if he had instantly dismissed her. Then she heard the distant shouting.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    “I am not sure,” admitted Wylan. “A riot maybe? No. No, it sounds like cheering. Maybe it is Arik returning. Lead me towards the main street.”
    Sheri felt a shiver of excitement course through her at the thought of King Arik returning. She eagerly took Wylan’s free hand and led him forward. Within minutes they reached the inner gate where the road turned towards the Royal Palace. Other people had begun to gather along the route as well. Everyone waited expectantly for King Arik to come by.
    “I think it must be King Arik returning,” Sheri said excitedly as she rummaged through her pack. “You should put on the tunic that Prince Oscar sent over for you.”
    “I left it in the factory,” shrugged Wylan. “I am sure it was just meant to cheer me up anyways. I can’t really be a Knight of Alcea and be blind. Arik would not waste his time talking to me anymore.”
    “Well I brought it with us,” grinned Sheri. “And you should not judge King Arik like that. He cares for all of his people, and that means you as well. Here, put it on.”
    “I will not wear that in public,” Wylan retorted stubbornly. “The tunic of the Knights of Alcea is a symbol of greatness. People must know that they face a warrior of amazing character when they see one. Put it away.”
    Sheri frowned and started to object when she realized that people were all staring at her and Wylan. Mumbles about the tunic of the Knights of Alcea rippled through the crowd. Suddenly, a man raced forward and tried to grab it out of Sheri’s hand. She screamed. Wylan paused only a second to filter out the distant sounds from the noises of the nearby scuffling.
    “Head down!” ordered Wylan as he gripped his staff with both hands.
    Sheri had seen enough of Wylan’s practice to instantly obey. She let go of the tunic and dropped to the ground. Wylan lunged with the tip of his staff and was rewarded with the sound of an expelled grunt. He focused on the sound of the grunt and swiftly brought the staff upward towards the man’s head. He tapped the side of the man’s head and immediately pulled back on the staff and struck the other side of the man’s head. Even as the man was stumbling, Wylan lowered the staff and swept the man’s feet out from under him. The thief tumbled to the ground, and Wylan heard the shouts of Red Swords charging towards him.
    “What’s the commotion?” asked the first Red Sword to arrive as he pulled his sword from its sheath.
    “That man tried to steal my friend’s tunic,” Sheri replied as
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