she rose.
“A Knight of Alcea tunic?” questioned the Red Sword as other soldiers arrived. “And who did you steal it from?”
“That is Wylan,” announced one of the arriving Red Swords. “The tunic belongs to him.”
The first Red Sword turned and stared into Wylan’s sightless eyes and nodded. “So you are Wylan?” he said in surprise. “I have heard about you. Pretty feisty for a blind man.”
Wylan stiffened and a scowl fell over his face. His hands went taught on the staff.
“Easy, lad,” apologized the Red Sword. “I meant that as a compliment. I have heard of your deeds, but I did not imagine that you were still capable of them. I saw the blows you struck while running over here. Blind or no, I wouldn’t want to face your staff.”
He bent down and retrieved the tunic and handed it to Wylan.
“You should be wearing that tunic, Wylan,” the Red Sword stated. “The thieves would not bother you, and your girlfriend would not have to duck.”
“Good going, Wylan,” another Red Sword said as he slapped Wylan on the back. “Somebody help me get this trash to the dungeon,” he continued as he bent to grasp the unconscious thief’s arm.
The Red Swords removed the thief’s body, and Sheri hugged Wylan.
“Put it on,” demanded Sheri. “I will not let you wallow in self-pity any more. You may be blind, but you are still a Knight of Alcea. Give me your staff.”
Wylan frowned, but he handed his staff to Sheri. He pulled the tunic over his head and shoved his arms into it.
“Why don’t we just return to the factory,” Wylan suggested when Sheri handed the staff back to him. “I am not sure why I even wanted to come here. It is not like I can see Arik ride by.”
“I want to see him,” Sheri shook her head. “I will describe it to you.”
“Then you can describe it when you come back to the factory,” Wylan said stubbornly. “I will wait for you there.”
“Here he comes!” Sheri said excitedly as she grabbed Wylan’s hand tightly to keep him from leaving.
A dozen Red Swords preceded the Knights of Alcea as they rode through the streets of Tagaret. Prince Midge rode on Arik’s shoulder, and Tanya rode close to the king. Darok, the dwarf prince, and Garong, the elf prince, rode side-by-side. Behind them, Alex and Jenneva rode together, followed by Tedi, Bin-lu, and Natia. They all wore the tunics of the Knights of Alcea. Another dozen Red Swords followed the procession.
“Tell me when to bow,” Wylan whispered nervously as he sensed the nearness of the Knights.
“They will go by quickly,” responded Sheri. “You will feel my movements. Just time it as I do.”
Wylan could taste the excitement in the air as the Knights approached. He heard the shifting of garments to his left as citizens bowed or curtsied as the king rode by. He tensed as he felt Sheri’s hand with anticipation.
Suddenly, he felt Sheri moving downward, and he bowed low. A frown crossed his face when he could no longer hear the procession while bowing. His mind wondered about this defect. He had never imagined that his hearing could be impaired depending upon the position of his body. It frightened him. Wylan stiffened when he felt a hand placed upon his shoulder.
“Rise, Knight of Alcea,” King Arik said loudly. “Rise also, leader of the Queen’s Helpers.”
Wylan raised his head and rose. He felt Sheri rising with him.
Sheri grinned as she rose and watched King Arik signal the Red Sword escort. Two of the Red Sword riders dismounted and led their horses towards her and Wylan.
“Do you need help mounting a horse?” Arik whispered to Wylan. “You are joining the procession.”
“No, Sire,” grinned Wylan. “Just let me feel the mane.”
King Arik reached for Wylan’s hand, and Sheri let go of it. The king took Wylan’s hand and placed it on the mane of one of the horses. He stepped out of the way as Wylan mounted. Within minutes, the procession continued with Wylan and Sheri riding at
Richard Burton, Chris Williams