Dawn of the Dragons

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Book: Dawn of the Dragons Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
and pondering the new Evil which now threatens your homeland and the Kai.

    Every night, as you lie awake on your bunk staring at the tarred beams of your cabin, you wish away the miles that separate you from your beloved homeland. You want, most of all, to be with your young Kai acolytes in this dark hour, but fate has seen fit to place a great distance between you. Fearful of what you may find if you arrive home too late, every night you offer up prayers to the Gods Ishir and Kai to help speed your return to Sommerlund.
    Turn to 175 .

    It is early in the afternoon when you catch sight of a grand, half-timbered bridge in the far distance. It spans a river, swollen by the recent rains, which you recognize at once to be the River Reloni. There is a small circular tent near the approach to the bridge, and three Eldenoran soldiers are seated on stools beside it, each smoking a long-stemmed pipe.
    At first you consider avoiding the bridge and finding somewhere else to make a crossing, but the river is wide and fast-flowing, and the three guards look particularly weak and stupid. After some deliberation, you decide to try to bluff your way past them.
    As you approach, one of the guards gets up off his stool and moves to stand in your way. Casually, he asks to see some sort of identification.
    If you possess a Silver Seal, turn to 283 .
    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 317 .

    You shout the order to fire and the Kai let loose their straining bowstrings. A cloud of arrows with armour-piercing tips, hardened in the fires of the monastery forge, whistles towards the swooping Lavas with impressive accuracy. All find their target, but only one of the winged creatures falls from the sky. You see that the beast has been struck in the eye. Hurriedly the acolytes reload as the Lavas prepare to land on the Tower of the Sun.
    ‘Fire at their eyes!’ you shout, and a cloud of Kai arrows is sent screaming through the sky to seek their elusive mark. This time more than half find their target, decimating the onrushing Lavas at a single stroke, yet those winged creatures who do survive this deadly volley are quickly among the defenders on the tower.
    Turn to 58 .

    Before your face disappears completely below the surface of the Storn, you manage to utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Strength . Immediately, you feel the fatigue melting away from your aching limbs, and a surge of renewed energy revitalizes your muscles.
    Turn to 327 .

    With a mighty effort, you drag your feet from the burning mire and leap head-first into the whirling black abyss of the Shadow Gate.
    Turn to 69 .

    The pack leader is ripped to shreds by the blast and many of his followers are left mortally wounded. But neither the sight of their injuries nor the deafening sound of the explosion deters the remaining pack members from approaching the bridge. With fear running ice cold in your veins, you spur your tired horse to the gallop in a desperate attempt to outrun these howling fiends.
    Turn to 304 .

    You bow to the King's wishes and resolve, instead, to reach the Kai Monastery by land and destroy the Shadow Gate as soon as you are able. Strengthened by this resolution, you show to the council the Sun-crystal that Gwynian gave you, and you tell them how you intend to use it.
    Ulnar and the barons applaud your plan and your steadfast courage. The King places under your command his élite Guard Cavalry regiment, so that you may be able to use them to break through the enemy's line at its weakest point and reach the Kai Monastery. Captain D'Val, commander of the Guard Cavalry, knows where this weak point is and he will guide you to it.
    The King dissolves the council and, as the barons return to their armies in the field, he orders you to rest in his chambers for a few hours.
    ‘Get some sleep, Grand Master,’ he says, patting you paternally on the shoulder. ‘You will need it. You ride with the Guard at dawn.’
    Turn to 94 .

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