Come Share My Love

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Book: Come Share My Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carrie Macon
Tags: Romance
Zackary?  Fine ass, Zackary.”  Kemah licked her lips.
         “No!” she said all too suddenly.  “Why would you say that?  He’s where he wants to be and whom he wants to be with.”
         “And that’s eating you up inside.  Admit it,” she pointed.
         “I will not.  And stop licking your lips like that.  It’s not like you just had a damn piece of crumb cake or anything. I have no interest in Zackary, end of conversation.”
         “Of course it’s not.  Me thinks you lie, little lady.” Kemah said lying across the bed in the room Shyla used.  “I saw the way the two of you looked at one another earlier today.  There’s no mistaken that there is some chemistry between the two of you.  He tried to explain that home girl was just a friend.”
         “I don’t care about that, Kemah,” Shyla said in a falsetto voice.  “I am perfectly fine the way things are.  I told you how he is and I have no interest in him, now, nor will I ever.”  Another lie.  She was getting good at this but not where Kemah was concerned.  She knew that deep down in her heart she had feelings for that man but to keep him at a distance she had to pretend that there were no sparks between them. 
         “Besides when the right man comes along I’ll know.  Women have to be careful around these men.  They say what you want to hear and then they use you up until you can’t be used anymore.”
         “Shyla all men are not like that.  You can’t keep judging every man by that jerk Simon.  What kind of name is that for a black man anyway?  You should have known something was up with him anyway, with those beady little eyes.  Zackary is different.  He can’t keep his eyes off you.  I know that you have some feelings for him.  It’s in your eyes.”  Kemah took a sip of her drink.  “And eyes don’t lie.  Not these eyes anyway.  Now your eyes, those babies right there,” she pointed.  “Those bug beauties are telling a major whopper.  Uh huh, yes they are.”
         “My eyes don’t lie,” she lowered her shades over her eyes. 
    Kemah laughed and snatched them off.  “There’s no sun in here.”
         “There are no feelings e ither, so just stop it.”
         “No feelings at all?”
    Shyla shrugged her shoulders.  “No positive ones.”
         “What?  How can you keep calling me a liar?”
         “Because we have known each other the better part of our lives and we know each other inside out so I know that you are sitting here lying.  And I won’t elaborate on how I know because then you’ll try and change it up.” 
         “Can we please stop taking about this?  Let’s go shopping.”
         “Only if you admit that you care about this man.”
         “Not for all the Haagen Daz in the world.”  And Shyla loved Haagen Daz ice cream.
         “Okay, Miss Wilkes.  You just wait.  Your feelings are going to up and bite you in the rear and you had better hope it’s not too late.”  Shyla rolled her eyes.
         “Roll your damn eyes all you want.  That man is not going to keep after you forever.”
    Where had she heard that one before?  “That’s what you think.  He only wants me because I don’t want him.”
         “But you do want him,” she stomped her foot and poked out her lips.
         “Let’s not get into this again.  And will you calm down, please.  There’s no need to be throwing tantrums.  You’re not three years old anymore.”
         “If we are going shopping let’s go.  I am tired of talking to you.  It’s like a merry go round.  You say you don’t like him knowing that you do.  Then you say he only wants you because he can’t have you.”
         “That’s not what I said.”
         “Forget it.  Let’s just go.”  Kemah picked up her purse and walked out the door leaving Shyla standing in the middle of the floor
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