Caressed by Moonlight

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Book: Caressed by Moonlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda J. Greene
    “Saloons are popular among all classes of society.”
    A knock sounded on the door. Gabriel beckoned for the intruder to enter. It was his vassal.
    “There is a witch here who wishes to see you. The guards caught him snooping about.”
    “Lock him up.”
    The servant nodded and retreated. “I assume you were followed,” he said to the chieftain before downing the rest of his drink.
    “Of that I have no doubt.”
    “I’ve received word from the continent that your clan is slowly being exterminated.”
    “Unfortunately, that is true. I have come to London hoping to draw some, if not all, the attention away from my people.
    Hunters have followed me, but not as many as I would have liked.
    I am hoping with my appearances at London's high society social gatherings I will attract more of the witch’s interest.”
    “I have a feeling that this one witch who is sitting in a cell in my basement is more interested in conversing with you than with me.”
    “It’s a Red Order witch you have,” Dorian stated. “I can smell his blood.”
    Gabriel studied his friend for a moment. That comment had caught him off guard. Generally, Dorian had his powers in check; he kept them in a strangle hold. Gabriel couldn’t smell the blood. He was nowhere near as old as Dorian nor was he as powerful, but to pick up the scent of magic in blood was tough.
    This could only mean that the beast within Dorian was stirring and growing hungry.
    “I would like you to do me a favor, Gabriel.”
    “Name it and it shall be done.”
    “I would like your men to thin out the herd of hunters for me while you’re still here. I will be doing my own patrols every night, but it would be nice if I had a little help. I want to kill as many of these bastards as I can.”

    “It will be our pleasure, Dorian. I haven’t been on a good hunt in years. I must admit that I am a bit sad mercenaries aren’t in such a high demand these days. I thoroughly enjoyed that job.”
    “I did too.”
    “Would you like me to start with the one in the cell down stairs?”
    “No.” Dorian stood. “Use him as bait”
    “I will do what I can to help out.”
    Dorian shook Gabriel’s hand. “You may keep that bottle as my token of thanks.”
    “I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to drunkenly falling into my bed in the morning,” he said.
    “I must be taking my leave. I have a pressing engagement and beautiful prey to stalk.”
    Gabriel laughed and raised his glass. “Happy hunting.”

Chapter Six
    The room was filled with guests; their voices rumbled the walls. Victoria longed to be alone in a quiet place where she could read or draw, but the Hennings’ house would not be it, neither would her aunt’s. She would receive no privacy or peace anywhere she went.
    “The work was just finished last week.”
    “I hear that you completely remolded the majority of the rooms,” Lord Rogers said from his seat beside Victoria on the lightly shaded floral sofa.
    “Yes, I did. Would you like a tour?” the woman asked.
    “I think we would all like a tour,” Tabitha agreed, standing.
    Rogers held out his arm to Victoria who quickly took it and allowed him to lead her after the line of guests that were now following the hostess, Lady Hennings.
    As they weaved in and out of the rooms, Victoria took the time to study Lord Rogers. He was the best kind of gentleman, as far as she could tell. He was young and handsome with thick blond hair and warm brown eyes. His smile was genuine and his laughter inviting. He was a man of considerable wealth and courtesy, from what she had heard, and he seemed to have a great interest in her after their first meeting at Lady Allen’s ball. He was at the top of her list, but Lord Rogers did not rob her of her thoughts with a smile.
    Victoria chewed her bottom lip in thought. That insufferable prince had wrapped her up tight in his cloak of seduction. Since their meeting, two nights ago, she could not
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