Caressed by Moonlight

Caressed by Moonlight Read Online Free PDF

Book: Caressed by Moonlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda J. Greene
seat,” Gabriel urged as he closed the door. “We will not be disturbed here. The women and servants know not to bother me unless a fight is happening or if someone wins big money.”
    “You have them well trained?” Dorian said with a light chuckle, resuming his seat.
    “I’ve barked and snarled at them a few times, they are dumb witted humans but they understand threats.” Crossing to the bar, the vampire asked, “Would you like a drink?”
    “I thought that we could share this.” Dorian slipped a hand inside his coat and pulled out a golden flask. “I brought it from home.” Unscrewing the cap was all he needed to do to make his friend smile. The scent of the alcohol was strong. It was truly the only liquor a vampire could get drunk off of and Dorian’s clan was the only one that knew the secret of the brew.
    “I can’t remember the last time I had the pleasure of drinking Silver Moon. Give it here.”
    Dorian chuckled and forfeited the bottle. “You are looking well Gabriel.”
    “As are you,” the vampire noted as he poured the liquor.
    “London must agree with you.”
    “It’s better than some places,” Gabriel said with a shrug.
    Dorian nodded. This vampire had a tortured past. His face was young and beautiful, but despite his youthful looks his eyes told an entirely different story. Gabriel was a vampire that no one should ever underestimate.
    “But I won’t be here too much longer,” Gabriel sighed, handing Dorian a glass of the glowing, silver liquid. He took a seat in the armchair next to the king. “I will be heading to America at 25

    the end of the month. It’s a booming and rising country. They are having their troubles but who doesn’t have troubles?”
    “Are you going to be closing up shop here?”
    “Yes.” He took a sip. “London is done for me. I need some place new.”
    “I didn’t know you were planning on packing up and moving. I suppose now the reason for my visit means nothing. I came to inquire on how my being here in London has affected your business.”
    “The hunters you have brought with you haven’t disturbed me. Everyone and everything knows that this seedy part of the city belongs to me. The witches know to stay off my territory. Besides, I have roving guards to pick off any trouble makers.”
    Dorian was impressed. Gabriel had been making a name for himself in the underground.
    “I’ve heard a rumor recently,” Dorian began before taking a drink. “Boras is planning on unifying the outcasts.”
    “Yes, that is indeed his plan. I don’t give a shit whose businesses he takes over or whose territory he claims as his own just as long as he doesn’t come anywhere near mine. I’ve given him a warning he better not mess with what’s mine or there will be hell to pay. I keep whatever belongs to me.” Gabriel turned to Dorian and asked, “What does the royalty think about an outcast forming a clan?”
    “Well, I can only offer you my opinion. I never speak for others, but I have the same feelings you do. As long as Boras stays away from my clan, allies, and businesses, then he can do whatever he likes.”
    Gabriel propped his feet up on the short table in front of him.
    “Boras would be a fool to think he could threaten a clan.
    He doesn’t have the strength himself not to mention his army would be made of outcasts, typically the weaker beings of our society.”
    “You have quite the following yourself, Gabriel,” Dorian pointed out. “I imagine many vampires will be joining you on your voyage to America.”
    “They are free to make their own choices. If they chose to follow me then they are welcome. They will be provided with jobs, shelter, protection, and food.”
    “By the looks of this room I would say your gambling business is doing well.”

    “Very well,” Gabriel boasted. “I plan to set up a couple gambling halls in America. I’m heading to New York and maybe down to New Orleans. I might even work my way out west, explore the
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