Caressed by Moonlight

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Book: Caressed by Moonlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda J. Greene
turn to laugh now. She had never dealt with anyone like him. He was no ordinary man. He was a vampire king.
    “Men like me, kitten?” he asked when he had finally gained control of his laughter.
    “Yes,” she said with a nod, her irritation growing. He had laughed at her. Did he think she was a young naïve chit who knew nothing of men and their ways?
    “You are the rakish type whose only talent is seducing innocent girls.”
    “That is not my only talent. Although I must admit,” his smile turned devilish, “it is one of my favorites.” He took a step forward. “Tell me your name, sweetheart,” his voice was bewitching, smooth and elegant.
    Her name? Her name? Her mind was a whirlwind of sinful images, tender caresses, and feather light kisses. Her name? How could she have forgotten her name?
    Dorian chuckled at her confusion. She looked so sweet, her emerald eyes glazed over with passion; her lips parted and moist and he took another step.

    “Please, a name my lady,” he begged, moving closer.
    “My name?” she asked herself. “I–My–” She shook her head, clearing it of its sinful haze and announced, at long last,
    “Victoria Kingston.”
    “Victoria,” he repeated with a nod. “A gorgeous name, it suits you well.” Another step, now they stood a breath apart. He could feel the heat from her body; her rapid heartbeat was music to his ears. This woman was a treat and it appeared that he would no longer need to amuse himself with gypsies and vampire whores.
    His policy was to never bed women who were members of fickle court life but he was more than willing to make an exception for this girl. She was a delicacy and everyone deserved a little indulgence once in awhile.
    Victoria backed away; she could not allow herself to be so close to him. He was a libertine and she could not afford to be seduced.
    She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a word he announced, “I am Dorian Vlakhos.”
    Her eyes flew wide. This was the man Lady Wisten had warned her about. This was the man that had caused such a stir.
    Now she understood why the women were fawning over him. He was everything he was said to be, a devilishly handsome man who had seduction on his mind and she was out on the terrace alone with the letch. He could ruin her. He could tarnish her good name.
    Panic began to flutter in her belly.
    “Well, Mr. Vlakhos–”
    “Call me Dorian.”
    “Mr. Vlakhos–”
    “It’s much easier to say.”
    “Mr. Vlakhos–”
    “As you please,” he said with a shrug.
    “Mr. Vlakhos,” she snapped. “I really must be getting back to the party, my friend is waiting.” She moved to step around him, but he caught her arm and pulled her back.
    “Not yet.”
    Victoria sighed in exasperation. “Mr. Vlakhos, I have no desire to become another one of your conquests for this season.”
    “I just want us to become better acquainted,” Dorian stated. “And we will,” he added with a raised brow.
    “No,” she declared yanking her arm back. “We won't.” She turned on her heel and stormed back into the house.

    Dorian watched her with a smile on his face. He could not remember the last time he had smiled and this girl had him smiling like a fool. He fought the urge to go after her, pull her back outside, and into the shadows where he could make true his promise.
    Victoria Kingston was going to be a hard skirt to catch, but he was not a man who backed down from a challenge, especially not when the reward was so sweet.


Chapter Five
    Dorian reclined in a high backed armchair, his feet propped on an ottoman as he waited for his host to arrive. He had requested an audience with an old ally, a vampire who belonged to no clan, an outcast in their society. Dorian stood when the sound of footsteps pricked his ears. The door opened and the vampire greeted him with a frown.
    “What’s with the formalities? You don’t have to stand when I enter the room. Have a
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