Blind Her With Bliss
door had completely closed.

    “You’re welcome…” He let the last word hang, hoping she’d offer her name.

    The muted light of the wall lamps mounted in the paneled hall seemed bright after the smoky haze of the bar. Color rose in her cheeks, her breath coming in sexy little pants. Nervous or excited? He couldn’t be sure

    The door clicked shut, muffling the loud music. Only the pulsing beat of the percussion sections came through the insulated walls. Her eyes flicked from him to the door and fear snapped across her features before she schooled them.

    “Well, it looks like it’s just the two of us. Alone,” she said quietly.

    He was sure she hadn’t intended him to see her swallowing her fear before leaning into him and pressing the soft roundness of her breast against his arm. Her hip rubbed provocatively along his thigh. The woman didn’t seem to know which persona she wanted to wear: innocent victim or erotic seductress.

    He chose the vamp. Perhaps he was just projecting, but the woman clinging to him like a cat in heat currently seemed to be looking for a plaything. He guided her down the hall. “Alone indeed. I’m Demon Jones and you are…”

    “Jul…” She looked up at him through long lashes, her cheeks pinking. “Just Jewel.”

    “Do you come to Starry Knights often?”

      “No, this is my first time here,” she said, wrapping her hand around his biceps, her tiny steps quickening to keep pace with his lanky strides. “Starry Knights is an interesting place.”

    “Well, Just Jewel,” Damon smiled and covered her hand with his, “I need to talk with the owner. But when my business is over, perhaps we could have a little private party of our own?”

    “The owner? You mean Elvis Castonguay ?” Jewel pulled him to a stop in the empty hall, excitement sparking in her green eyes. “You know him?”

    “Yeah, we’re good friends. Why?”

    “I was just hoping to talk with him, that’s all.” She shuffled her booted foot over the carpet.

    The woman flitted back to chaste innocence. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Though either side of her could be fun in bed, Damon wasn’t sure he wanted to tangle with her split personalities. The dominatrix-style wig was cute on her, but it didn’t fit the heart-shaped face or the childlike green eyes staring up at him.

    “Elvis knows a friend of mine who was a regular here at Starry Knights,” she said. “I just wondered what he can tell me about him.”

    Damon steered her toward the elevator doors. Sliding the card key from his back pocket into the control panel on the wall, he heard the car descend with his falling libido.

    A male friend? More likely a boyfriend . Damon definitely didn’t want to become entangled in that headache. Well, that decided it. He’d take her up to Elvis, dump her at the office and head out the back door into the private garage. The Demon’s reputation as a lady’s man would remain untarnished since only Elvis would know he bailed on the woman and kept himself out of someone else’s problems.

    When the doors hissed open, he motioned for her to enter the plush elevator. “Shall we?”

    * * * *

    Julie wasn’t sure what she was thinking. Evidently, she wasn’t.

    Her over-stimulated body seemed to have been calling the shots since Demon had stepped into her argument with muscle-boy. Her head still buzzed from the hazy, blue smoke and the heat generated from so many bodies. And now Demon Jones stood next to her, his presence sucking all the air from the elevator, making it hard for her to fill her lungs.

    Keeping her eyes facing the door, Julie checked Demon out in her peripheral vision. He was even better looking close-up. A man like him invited a woman’s fantasies to run wild. She’d like to take off his dark glasses and peer into those eyes, watch them cloud with desire while her hands slid over the
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