Blind Her With Bliss
sinewy muscles of his chest. Julie had felt the heat and power of him in their brief contact in the hall and had tried to ignore her body’s reaction to his proximity. But when he’d flashed that lazy smile of his, all she could think about was sinking her teeth into his pouty bottom lip.

    The wig swished as she shook the thoughts from her head. Where the hell had her common sense gone? They were headed to a private party. Julie knew what he meant when he said it, and yet she’d still followed him into the elevator. Her nipples grew taut, straining pleasantly against the leather of her corset. Her stomach dropped even as the elevator rose. She shifted the weight on her feet, trying to ease the heaviness gathering between her thighs. She’d never had anything remotely close to a one-night stand, but the thought of doing that now intrigued her. Isn’t that how she’d hoped this night would end? But the real question still plagued her—could she actually go through with it?

    The doors opened to an office bathed in a soft light emanating from the glass shelves lining the wall on her left. A man she assumed was Elvis Castonguay stood with his back to them. His wide shoulders and narrow waist were silhouetted in the lights pulsing through the line of windows filling the wall on her right. She could feel the throbbing beat of the music more than hear its melody. No doubt he was surveying his kingdom below.

    Elvis turned to them. “Demon.” His long legs brought him to them in a few strides. “Another wonderful show as always.” He pumped Demon’s hand. His appraising gaze swept the length of Julie, heating her skin as if he’d touched her. “And who is this ravishing beauty?”

    “Elvis, Jewel. Jewel, Elvis Castonguay .”

    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Castonguay ,” she said.

    “Please, call me Elvis. And the pleasure is all mine , Jewel.” He took the hand she offered, gently kissing her knuckles. “May I get either of you something to drink?”

    “I’d like an iced tea,” Julie said, feeling the heat of the room surround her.

    “Long Island?” Elvis asked casually.

    “No, I’m from Delmont, right here in Maine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?” She shot a glance from one man to the other.

    “She is delightful, that one.” Elvis chuckled and waved his long fingers elegantly over his shoulder as he walked away. “Anything for you, Demon?” Lifting the phone on the corner of his desk, Elvis’ hand poised over the buttons.

    “No, I’m not staying. I just brought Jewel to meet you.”

    Elvis raised an eyebrow. “It’s barely past midnight, my friend. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to enjoy the company of one of those blonde beauties you displayed so nicely on the platform? As always, you know you have a standing offer of my business.”

    “Elvis.” Demon let out a heavy sigh, “I appreciate your hospitality, but it was a long set. I think I’ll just call it a night. I’ve still got a long ride home.”

    “Such a shame.” Elvis clucked his tongue and dialed the phone. “I guess Jewel and I will enjoy a drink together.”

    As Elvis talked on the phone, Demon turned to her. “Jewel, it’s really none of my business what the hell you do…” His fingers raked through his hair as he blew out a breath. “But you do understand that I’m leaving you alone with Elvis.”

    “I’m a grown woman. I came here to meet Mr. Castonguay . You’ve introduced me. Now I’m going to enjoy an iced tea and a chat.” The words came out much more relaxed than she felt.

    “No, it’s a Long Island iced tea. From your innocent reaction I gather you’ve never heard of it. Or is that just playacting as well like…” His hand swept the length of the corset. “Like the rest of this?”

    Fear knotted cold in her gut. Perhaps she was in a little over her head. The man had seen right through her ruse and now she was
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