Blind Her With Bliss
stuck. But damn, she needed to find out what Elvis knew about Jason. She lifted her chin and threw back her shoulders, hoping to exude a confidence she didn’t quite feel. “I assure you I am not playacting. I have no idea what a Long Island iced tea is, but if that’s the iced tea they serve here, I think I’d like the recipe.”

    “You had one of those?”

    “Two. And now I’m about to have a third.”

    “And I can only assume your designated driver is downstairs still enjoying the music?”

    “No, I came here alone. And I’ll be driving home alone as soon as I have a drink with Elvis and talk with him about my friend. I assure you I haven’t been drinking. I don’t need anyone to drive me home.” She brushed her hands down her skirt gathering her dignity. “But like you said, it really isn’t any of your business. I appreciate you introducing me to Elvis, but I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.”

    He grabbed her elbow, pulling her away from Elvis’ desk. “Please tell me you’re not here alone.” He ripped the sunglasses off his face, his nose only an inch from hers. “Are you just begging for trouble? A beautiful woman alone in Starry Knights? Does anyone know you’re here?”

    Julie pulled her arm from his grasp, comprehension dawning in her thick skull. “I repeat , that’s none of your business.” His eyes were dark pools holding her captive. He stared at her with, what was that exactly—concern or hunger? At the moment she wasn’t sure which one she preferred.

    “Listen, Jewel, you made it my business when you agreed to accompany me up to this little soiree.” Demon spoke the words evenly, but they carried an undercurrent of anger. “If you’re intent on having a Long Island iced tea, which by the way contains equal parts gin, rum, vodka, tequila and triple sec with a splash of cola, then it would be ungentlemanly of me not to insist on taking your car keys and spending the night with me.” His mouth curved in a smug smile as he held out his hand. “It would be irresponsible of me to let you drive home intoxicated.”

    Julie stared at him, trying to wrap her head around what he’d just said. No wonder she was finding it hard to think straight. She had been well on her way to getting hammered. How foolish of her. She tried to smile at him, but her lips merely quivered with nerves. “I guess I’d prefer not to have another then.”

    He dropped his hand and moved back, giving her room to breathe.

    “Well, since you seem to be unwilling to give up your keys, my only question to you is,” he quirked an eyebrow, making him look even more arrogant than he was acting, “would you prefer coffee or cola to sober you up?”

      “Either is fine. Thank you, Mr. Jones.”

    Folding the sunglasses, Demon tucked the earpiece into the pocket of his shirt so they hung over the black material. He turned back toward the man at the desk. “Elvis, I’ve had a change of plans. I’ll take my usual, and the lady will have a diet cola.”

    * * * *

    Damon sat on the leather couch, only half listening to Jewel’s conversation with Elvis. He wasn’t sure why he was feeling so protective and it was pissing him off. How she got here and who she left with was none of his damn business. If the woman seated next to him wanted to spend the night with a man, more power to her. It’s what he’d intended when he brought her up here.

    But something about her just didn’t sit right.

    With her split personalities of erotic vixen and naïve virgin, he wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. One of those personalities didn’t fit and he was pretty sure the woman didn’t have a clue what she’d walked into. He still wasn’t sure if the wig was meant to disguise or aide in her playacting. At this point, it seemed neither did she.

    Well, as Neanderthal as it sounded, he wasn’t about to leave her alone. He was fairly
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