Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3)

Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laura R Cole
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, dragon, Runes, mage, spells, sword
away, to bring us this sword. Leoht was instrumental
in stopping the Dark King, who had harnessed the power of the
Bloodstone previously, and they believe it can help us destroy it
altogether now.”
    “Us, as in the human race, or us as in we
    “We three. Kai said that he could feel that
all of us had a part to play in how this would all turn out.”
Suddenly Layna’s eyes went white and she froze, cocking her head to
one side as if listening to some unknown sound. At this, Gryffon
did let go of her hand. She murmured something incoherent to
herself, oblivious to his reaction. She blinked and her eyes
cleared once more. She looked down, obviously embarrassed by the
next bit of information she had to pass along, “Apparently I am the
one who needs to use the sword, don’t ask me why, but you two will
have very important parts to play; and without all three of us
acting together, the world could fall into his hands.”
    “What makes them think I want anything to do
with it?” Katya asked.
    Layna smiled knowingly. “They said that
there’s something you’re looking for. Something that you can only
find in doing this with us.” Katya had a strange expression on her
face and Layna added, “They said ‘yes’.”
    “To what?”
    “I don’t know,” Layna joked, “You’re the one
with the question.” Her face turned serious, “Would you really just
sit by and watch idly while our world is torn apart by darkness
regardless?” Katya just fidgeted uncomfortably, but she didn’t
actually say she wouldn’t go with them. “Look, I know it’s a lot to
take in, when we first got involved all I wanted to do was pass the
information on to those better equipped to deal with the problem.
But now that the problem has grown exponentially bigger, I’ve come
to realize that there is no one equipped to handle it, it’s up to
those who have seen what the evil can do and want to stop it that
must rise above and learn how to prepare ourselves to deal with it.
We have to believe that the world can be changed for the better by
the actions of a few individuals fighting for what’s right. We have
to try. Please?” she implored Katya who stared stoically down at
the floor, and then finally nodded. Layna looked over at him and
seemed to contemplate if it was possible that he would share
thoughts similar to Katya’s. “Will you help?” she asked him.
    He hesitated, but only long enough for the
barest glimmer of worry to streak across her eyes before the woman
behind them got to him. Gods in her head or no, he would stay with
her, and there was no question in his mind that he would do
whatever was necessary to stop this evil from spreading. “Of
    A relieved smile spread over her face, “Good.
We’d better get started.”
    Jezebel and Devon had been holed up in a
half-decent inn while she regained her strength. After blasting a
hole in their prison wall, she had been forced to use more magic to
transport them far enough away from the palace so that the rather
large force which had immediately been deployed against them
wouldn’t be able to find them, and it had nearly depleted her.
    Luck had been with them, however, and the
area she had jumped them to had been populated enough that no one
noticed two extra strangers and the accommodations were relatively
acceptable. Certainly better than being locked away in a
dungeon! She had been rather proud of herself that after only
one experience of someone else performing the jump for her - when
the King transported her and Devon to Treymayne - that she had been
able to pick up on the process to do it herself, and on the very
same day as regaining her powers.
    Though she had been spending much of her time
sleeping, those hours that she was awake had been spent planning.
When her power had come rushing back into her - she felt a rush of
giddiness just thinking about it - her memory had also been
simultaneously repaired in its entirety. Consequently, she
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