struggling man. “He’s the rep. I’m here to make sure everything’s above board.” Tyrone spoke through their connection. “ Let him talk, I want to hear their plans. Plus, we’re merged, ” he said as if Tyrese couldn’t feel the extra energy.
    “You’re shitting me,” Leon said. “We almost killed him for being stupid enough to walk outside without scenting the air. Even our pups know to do that.”
    Tyrese shrugged but remained silent.
    Leon’s golden brown eyes narrowed. “We almost killed him, what would’ve happened if we’d done that?” Tyrese knew the only reason they hadn’t was because of him. He was the unknown factor in all of this. He pushed away from the wall and stared at Leon.
    “You’d die.” He spoke without rancor and allowed the words to settle. No one spoke, but they watched him closely, then pulled the man closer before pushing him toward Tyrese. Boggs rubbed his neck as he took in air and stepped behind Tyrese.
    “My bitch gave you information, what do you have?”
    Boggs opened his mouth and Tyrese grabbed him before he could speak. Plotting against the Patron was asking to die a painful death. He didn’t want to be identified as someone involved in a failed coup by anyone overhearing their conversation. “You never speak in the open,” Tyrese growled without taking his eyes off the men standing in the door. “Find a safe room to talk or we walk.”
    Leon nodded and stepped back. Tyrese glanced over his shoulder. “What’s your name again?”
    “Boggs, why?”
    “I just need a name to report, that’s all. Follow me.” Tyrese scented the air and stepped outside. The moment he cleared the heavy steel door, he spun and jump kicked a large man who’d thought to catch him off guard. Landing, he feinted to the right and gut punched someone else, knocking him back a few feet. With Tyrone’s energy, he jumped high and landed behind the next guy and broke his leg. Afterward he spun quickly, the air kissing his face as he kicked out. The loud snap in the otherwise quiet night signified the breaking of an arm or leg, he wasn’t sure.
    They all moved with the speed and agility of the wolf, but Tyrese had them at a disadvantage, he was fighting with his twin, and they fought dirty and always to win. In the end, he stood above a gasping Leon with his foot on the big man’s neck, threatening to break it.
    The click of a gun stopped him. “Back up, sweet cheeks, I have a silver bullet that’ll have you singing soprano. Let him up.”
    The bullet wouldn’t damage him the way it would a full-blood, but he didn’t want to announce his half-breed status to this crew. Tyrese removed his foot, took a step back and looked into the mocking eyes of the woman who’d been told to leave. He’d scented her just before the attack, so he wasn’t surprised.
    “You are fast, and strong,” she said with a hint of awe. Tyrese didn’t respond but looked at the parking lot. There had been four of them. They all lay broken and bleeding on the ground. One by one they shifted into wolves to heal. He searched for Boggs and didn’t see him at first, but a glint of steel near the cars grabbed his attention.
    She had handcuffed the man to the car. If Boggs was the best the rebels could do, this war would be over soon.
    “Damn, I feel like I was hit by a Mack truck,” Leon said, moving slowly. The other men returned to human before trying to move. “I heard those Bennett men were vicious but damn…” He shook his head, stood and looked at Tyrese with respect. “It’s an honor to meet you, Bennett.” Leon nodded.
    Tyrese returned the nod.
    Leon glanced at the female. “He’s good. Let’s finish this.”
    The female lowered her arm and headed to the car. She released Boggs, and together they returned to Tyrese and the other men. “Tell them what you told me,” she snapped at Boggs.
    “No.” Tyrese said, stepping forward. “Not here.”
    Leon walked toward the doorway. “Let’s
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