    Confused, Jasmine’s hands fell away. “Why are you nervous? What’s silly?” She had no idea what Rose was talking about.
    “Silas turned over the office administration to me today. I got a promotion and a raise. First order of business… handle the police investigator who’s coming by in about…” she looked at her watch. “Ten minutes to ask questions regarding the death of Robert Merriweather,” she said in a deep voice, mimicking Silas.
    Jasmine chuckled, but understood why the younger woman would be nervous. Robert Merriweather, aka Robbie, along with his partner Mitchell, had kidnapped her. Silas and Tyrese had killed both men during the rescue. Now the long hand of the law was knocking on their front door and Rose had been designated to handle it.
    “Just tell him or them the truth, you don’t know anything. No matter what he asks pertaining to that day, just say you don’t know. I assure you, we will all back you up.” She patted Rose’s shoulder, wishing she could help her in some way. “Congratulations on your promotion, you deserve it. You work long, hard hours every day.”
    “I know, Rone was complaining the other night but I had to get payroll done.” They both turned as the door to the nursery opened and one of the housekeepers stuck her head in.
    “Rose, there’s a Detective Jenkins here, he says he has an appointment with Mr. Knight.”
    Rose nodded. “Thanks, I’ll be right there.” When the door closed, she looked wide-eyed at Jasmine. “He thinks he’s meeting with La Patron. What will I do?”
    “Tell him Silas is unavailable and in another meeting. But think back, who would set an appointment with Silas and this man? Did you?”
    Rose shook her head.
    “He’s lying,” Jasmine said, already disliking the detective.
    “What? You’re right. I can’t stand liars.” Rose straightened her spine and winked at Jasmine. “I’ve got his number.” She walked out with her head high.
    Concern warred with pride. Jasmine checked on her babies, and spoke to the nurses hovering nearby. “I’m got a few things to do, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
    The four women bowed. “Yes, Mistress.”
    Jasmine hid a grimace as she left the room. As many times as she’d asked them not to do the bowing thing, they still did it, and each time felt awkward. Just as she reached Rose’s office she overheard the rude comments from the detective and decided to stay close just in case. Listening to the disdain in his tone, her blood boiled.
    “I don’t understand why you’re meeting with me, Ms. Bennett. You weren’t in the forest the day Mr. Merriweather died. You have no knowledge of anything. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to hide something, or are you covering for someone?”
    “It’s Mrs. Bennett,” Rose corrected sharply. “And I’m meeting with you because your office called requesting an appointment to discuss the deceased. We agreed. I am answering your questions and you are not pleased with my cooperation. Tell me Detective, just what were you expecting from this visit.”
    Jasmine beamed in pride as she listened. Although Tyrone and Rose hadn’t been married according to human law, Silas had blessed their union which gave Rose the right to take on Tyrone’s last name if she chose.
    Down the hall she watched Silas, Hank, Tyrese and Tyrone enter Silas’ office. He stopped and gazed at her for a moment. “ What are you up to ?” he asked through their link.
    “ The detective is giving Rose a hard time, I’m her back up. Kinda like good cop, bad cop. In case you’re wondering, I’m the bad cop.”
    “ Never doubted it for a minute .” He broke the connection and she focused on the conversation in the room.
    “Robert Merriweather’s parents are prominent citizens in the community and they are not going away. They are convinced he was the victim of foul play and have offered a substantial reward for information regarding his death.
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