she wanted to block it out. She rolled her shoulders searching for her zone, "What happened to your sister?"
    He stared her down, "She died. Instead of befriending the girl who was like you she chose to be a loner. She had a horrid existence and killed herself. Our lives all changed and had I not been born, well special I would remember it the way they did. My sister never met her friend, she never went to college, she died at eighteen. My parents' lives shifted but they couldn’t recall the shift they just knew the new way their life was as if it was normal. You are the daughter of a fallen angel or demon. Did you know your real father?"
    Ari let his words roll off her back, it wasn’t her story, it wasn’t her fault. Her uncle chose what he chose, she didn’t force him into anything. Daughter of a demon, the whole thing was nuts. She knew what was going on, they were trying to make her feel crazy so they could lock her up once and for all.
    She stood and ran from the room. She ran out the front door and ran. Her legs pushed in her combat boots, she couldn’t run far, her lungs were weak in her body. She saw the street where she'd come from but when she tried to cross it she bounced back as if she ran into a window. She lay on the cold hard concrete for a moment, "Not a prison my ass."
    She seethed. She stood limping, ignoring the pain everywhere and walked to the street. She put a hand out, there in the middle of the air hung a wall. It was see through, it was invisible rather but it still stopped her hand like a cold barrier she couldn’t comprehend.
    She paced in front of it savagely like a tiger in a cage.
    She didn’t know how to get out, she felt the world spinning inside her as the tension built. The more anxious she grew the more she felt her hands start with the burning again. She thought about it all. She turned and ran into the woods. The brush whipped past her as she stormed along trying to find a break in the invisible wall. She walked until she couldn’t see the house anymore and decided to go back. Her anger increased as she thought about the fact Lydia had her trapped.
    She turned and ran back to the house. She burst through the door and ran back into the room to find the man gone. She stormed about looking for Lydia. Her combat boots made an angry sound on the wooden floors.
    "LYDIA." She called.
    "Out here sweetie."
    She cringed at the sweetness in the old woman's voice. She burst through the kitchen and out the back door.
    She was ready for the fight of a lifetime but the back yard stopped her. New Ari was shoved to the back as desert Ari looked at the nature and let it take her in.
    The yard was acres of orchard and land. The trees were apple and cherry trees and maples. The leaves were changing making the entire yard like clouds of bright fall colors. The lake around the back of the property was huge with a large dock and some small boats tied at the dock. She could see the path that made its way through the trees and bushes along the grass to the lakefront. It was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. The desert had always made her happy but the stunning beauty of the trees took away all of her breath and thoughts. She forgot for a few seconds what she had been so angry about.
    She looked at the calm grey water, her palms burned, she wanted to cool them off.
    She kicked off her boots and ran, her socked feet squished against the damp grass as she sprinted landing toe first. She leapt onto the dock pushing with her burning thighs along the planks and diving as hard as she could into the water. It was exhilarating feeling the cool wind but the cold water was shocking. Her skin burned with the heat of her palms until she hit the water. The brutally frigid water sucked her down into it, she screamed into the cold water until she had no air left. She pulled herself up to the surface inhaling sharply. She shouted and hollered at nothing trying desperately to work off the build up of energy in her
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