The Golden Spider (The Elemental Web Chronicles Book 1)
slippers and tucked her feet beneath her skirts.
    Ned’s jaw flexed as he tucked the paper into the pocket of his dressing gown. She saw pain in his eyes. “Georgina has received an excellent offer. Her father is pressing her to accept it.”
    “Oh, Ned. I’m so sorry.” Her need to vent evaporated.
    Ned rarely accepted invitations to visit friends anymore, but a year ago, he’d agreed to attend a small house party at an old school friend’s family estate where he had fallen helplessly in love with his friend’s younger sister, Georgina. Except her father refused to consider the suit of a man who could not walk without mechanical assistance. Not when his daughter had so many other titled gentlemen who were healthy and hale pressing their suit.
    Amanda well understood the pressure to marry that could be brought to bear upon a young woman of good social stature. She herself had avoided marriage longer than most, but the relentless pressure from her parents had, in the end, won. Though she’d bargained ruthlessly with Father for a small concession. In exchange for her enrollment in medical school, she’d agreed to marry within the year.
    Most young women gained no such concession from their parents. “It must be so hard to let her go.”
    He looked up sharply. “Who said anything about letting go?”
    Oh dear. That calculating look told her drastic measures were being plotted. Amanda squeezed her eyes shut and squashed her pride. “Lord Sebastian Talbot, Earl of Thornton has asked me to share the neurachnid with him.” His indrawn breath made her rush on. “He is the most domineering, self-important, puffed up…‌” She shook her head. “All of which has no bearing on a decision I‌—‌we‌—‌must make. He sees potential in my project.” She opened her eyes.
    Ned stared back in amazement. One hand gripped the arm of his chair, steadying himself as he leaned forward. “This could change everything. It’s what we’ve been hoping for.”
    She nodded slowly. “I wanted to work with him, but he wants it for his own. If you think it best, I’ll hand everything over to him. Perhaps with his resources…‌”
    “…‌he might find the solution,” Ned finished. “Or he might not. Either way, you lose control of the project.” He paused, thinking. “Worse, there would be no guarantee he would allow me to be an early test subject. Likely he would refuse to experiment on a future duke.” Ned shook his head and sat back. “No. I think you should continue your work on your own. You’re so very close. Perhaps if you start anew. Let me look over the Babbage card again.”
    Relief swept over her as she forced herself to ask, “You’re certain? It may take months. You might have to let Georgina go.”
    Ned set his jaw, his voice a low growl. “I’m certain. And I will never let Georgina go.”
    The sun wouldn’t rise for hours, but sleep was impossible, what with the myriad thoughts whirling through her brain. She might as well accomplish something beyond watching the moonlight move across the floor.
    Amanda rose from her bed and crossed to her wardrobe, then selected a simple blue gown that didn’t require much lacing or tying of tapes. Its bustle was a collection of ruffles that draped over the skirt, and the leather straps and brass buckles of the bodice made a corset unnecessary. Given the hours she was about to spend stooped over her workbench, the ability to bend at the waist was a priority.
    As she strode through the garden, Rufus appeared, greeting her with a long, silent stare from his golden eyes. Both he and she were creatures of habit, and her appearance at this dark hour was a dramatic break from routine. Yet still he followed her on silent paws as she stepped into the coop. The hens slept in peaceful repose, barely shifting in their nests as she crossed quietly to the laboratory door and dialed the necessary series of digits.
    Her earlier anger had faded, to be replaced by renewed
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