skin making her feeling like she could go in every direction at once. She was beyond antsy. She swam laps across the lake in her jeans and t-shirt. She felt a sock float off of her right foot.
    She lie on her back feeling the hypothermia starting to set in. She looked up at the sky filled with grey and white clouds and wished for a split second she had the ability to just let the air out and allow herself to sink into the dark waters. She could be like the lady in the lake. Her lips trembled from the cold and she knew any second she would turn and swim to shore, she couldn’t kill herself. The old Ari had never had a thought like that in her life but the new Ari dreamt about it like it were the ribbon one broke at the end of a long journey. She had visions of the many times she'd tried. Pills, cutting herself, fights she couldn’t win and each time she stopped before the real injuries would be inflicted. She always managed to heal from the many things she put her body through.
    She thought about the many friends she'd had who had been able to do it. She'd envied them, their deaths had been so amazingly dramatic.
    Suddenly something grabbed her arm pulling her. Water splashed at her face and mouth preventing her from breathing. The waves of the force were so high she couldn’t see past the white froth of the water stirring.
    She felt the grasp of something on her wrist, against everything that told her to let it take her down and drown her she fought. She pulled as hard as she could but the hands kept coming back. She pulled her arm from the grasp but as she moved it grabbed her ankles. She cried out kicking and screaming for her life.
    "Stop fighting me." She heard a deep voice, one she didn’t recognize. She nearly froze feeling the hands on her, it was a mans' voice. She pulled her arms from his and kicked for her life. The warmth of the hands pulled her in, she fought with everything she had but the strength of the arm was too much. Hands swept her up pulling her into a warm crushing chest. She stopped fighting knowing it was futile but also that if she sat quiet she would get a better idea of when would be the right moment to strike out against him and exactly whom she was fighting against.
    "Jesus Lydia wasn’t kidding, you're crazy."
    The water calmed as she stopped fighting to see the blurry images clear. She was being carried by a huge man, well boy, well maybe man. She couldn’t guess his age, maybe her age or a little order but ageless at the same time.
    His voice was strong like his body. His arms had to be the size of her thighs. His face was rugged, handsome in a way she couldn't describe. Not beautiful but attractive in the way cookie had been. He looked like an outdoorsy backpacking sort of guy who looked capable. His huge hands gripped her tightly. She didn’t know what she could do against him, she knew it was better to wait for the right opportunity. It would present itself, it always did. She scared herself thinking like such a survivalist. She felt sorry for herself imagining the horrors she didn’t let herself see.
    His eyes were like green moss, pale almost. His skin was tanned but reddish from the cold water. He dripped water from his shaggy brown hair. He placed her down on the bench before she realized they were out of the water. The air was as cold as the lake had been.
    He scrunched up his face at her examining her disgustedly, "You wanna die do it somewhere else, Lydia has enough ghosts around here as it is." He turned and stormed from the dock up the grass. She sat shivering on the bench confused. He had saved her, a guy had saved her. He didn’t want anything, in fact he seemed angry with her.
    She looked up at the huge mansion trembling, teeth chattering and watched as Annabelle waved at her from one of the windows.
    She didn’t know what to make of it all, she didn’t know where to go. She wanted to go inside and warm up but she didn’t know who the guy was.
    She turned
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