frozen and shivering out of control to see Lydia walking toward her in her gardening gloves holding an empty flowerpot.
    "His name is Lucas, he's different like you." She explained reading her thoughts again.
    "How do you do that? How do you know what I'm thinking?" She stood walking clutching herself.
    Lydia smiled, "I'm psychic, sort of thought that was obvious. Anyway dear you need to go up to the house, I'm sure Annabelle has a hot bath poured for you."
    "M-m-y hands are burning again."
    "Yes well there isn’t anyone you can send back here dear, I would imagine most of us are safe from your abilities. I'll see what I can do for you."
    Ari nodded, she was frozen. She walked up the grass to the back door to the house.
    Annabelle opened the door smiling with her ghostly white teeth compared to her mocha skin, "Why Miss Ari you looks about as froze as a girl could gets. Why you gotta swim on a cold day like this one. I knows by the look of the lake its cold. I gots your bath poured upstairs. Lucky Mr. Lucas saved you."
    Ari walked into the open door and the floating towel Annabelle was holding up with her ghostly hands nattering on about the bath and Lucas.

Chapter Four- Feeding Time at the Freak Zoo
    Her reflection frightened her. She looked at the two inches of hair sticking up like a hedgehog and frowned. She bent over looking at the silver bullring in her nose.
    "That be the nastiest thing I ever did see Miss Ari. Just nasty."
    She looked in the direction of the voice suddenly aware Annabelle didn’t have a reflection. She scowled and turned to face her, "Yeah I know. I didn’t want it. The other me wanted it."
    "Well I be downstairs fixing you some cocoa now that’s ya clean." She was gone before Ari could tell her where else she could go.
    She turned back to her reflection and scowled. She opened her towel and looked at her right nipple and pulled on the ring through it. Pleasure shot through her body. She gasped and looked at her flushing face. Memories of a man sucking the ring made her close the towel quickly.
    She leaned in looking at the ring and barbells in her face. The bullring in her nose bothered her the most. She tried to pry the ring apart not realizing how hard she was pulling until the thin red line of blood started to trickle down her face. It caught the steady stream of tears that leaked from her face.
    She gave up defeated and walked down the stairs holding the Kleenex to her nose cussing under her breath.
    "I can hear that missy."
    She sighed at Lydia's comment and walked in the other direction of the voice. She went to the large room with the chairs and sat holding the tissues to her face.
    "What happened there?"
    She felt her skin crawl as Lucas came and knelt in front of her. He seemed to not realize he was in her personal space or that it was bothering her.
    He put a hand up making her wince. He stopped and frowned, "I wont hurt you."
    She pulled the tissue away, "I can't get it out. I tried everything."
    He laughed, "You have to pull the whole thing apart, it’s a pressure system."
    He stood up and left her there. She sat still not sure why he had said it and left her there to ponder his odd words. Pressure system?
    He walked back into the sitting room with pliers in his hand. She backed up the oversized sofa as he sat in front of her. He smiled at her but she was terrified of him, he was massive and unassuming they were the worst in her experience. He was double her size and armed which made her go into a full panic attack. She was frozen as he sat across from her. She felt the burning in her hands before she could control herself she reached for him. The heat filled her body making her scream as it shot out of her hands and into his arms.
    She could see a large tattoo of a black wolf on his arm, it was the last thing she saw before everything went fuzzy and the light dimmed.
    She felt warmth around her, like she was back in the desert again and lying out in the sun. The heat covered her
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