How It Rolls

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Book: How It Rolls Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lila Felix
had to be located across from the door to the inventory room.  And Reed just had to work in there.  And she just had to walk by the doorway every five seconds strutting her stuff.  And I just had to look. 
                  I got up and shut the door, not willing to take it anymore. I focused on the numbers.  When I finished, I left, through the front of the bookstore without looking back.  The restaurant’s payroll and bills were current, so I didn’t have anything else to do for the day.  I went to my apartment and intended to watch some TV but instead I must’ve fallen asleep on the couch.  When I woke it was nine thirty at night and I was starving.  I walked outside to my truck and got in and as I started it up I noticed something in the rearview mirror.  Behind me was a beat up old 1980 something Toyota Corolla and inside was Reed. 
                  What in the Hell is she doing?
                  I got out and walked the short distance to her car. As I approached, I could see that she was counting money from a wallet.  I knocked on the window with the knuckle of my pointer finger and she jumped and she let out a scream that rivaled the girls from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  She put her hand to her chest and heaved in breaths until she realized I was still standing there.  She rolled down the window and I thought she was going to rip me a new one but instead she cleared her throat,
                  “I’m sorry.  You just really scared me.  Is this? You live here?” She pointed to the building.
                  “Yeah, the bottom is a bakery and I live in the apartment upstairs.”
                  “Oh,” She began to get that uncomfortable look again.
                  “Look, I was headed to the diner to get some food.  They make the best breakfast.  Do you wanna, I mean you don’t have to, I just…”
                  I rolled my eyes at myself.
                  “Would you like to come eat with me?” I wanted to pat myself on the head and say ‘good boy you spoke a full sentence’.
                  “Um, “she looked around, probably for a way to get out of it, so I helped her.
                  “It’s fine.  I just thought you might want to.  Goodnight.”
                  “Falcon?” She called out as I walked away and I silently thanked my mother for giving me a name that sounded so damn good coming out of her mouth.
                  “I’m starving.” At that admittance we both laughed.
                  “Ok, get in.”  She got her purse and got into my truck.  As I started it up she pulled a hairband off of her wrist and put her hair up and it was all I could do not to stick my bottom lip out and pout.
                  “So, do you like working at the bookstore?”  I didn’t know what to talk to her about.
                  “I do.  Nellie is really nice.  I appreciate her taking a chance on me.” She shrugged, not knowing if her answer was satisfactory.
                  “Nellie is one of the kindest people I know, except when she’s on the track.  Then, I’m not even joking, she scares the piss out of me.  Ask her to tell you about the time that some skank put her girls in Owen’s face.” 
                  She laughed, “Ok, I will.  So, Owen’s her husband and you work there?”
                  “Owen is my older brother, married to Nellie.  And I handle the money for her, my mom’s restaurant, and the team.”
                  “Oh.” She looked out of the window and I scoured my mind for what I had said to put her back in her shell.
                  I parked and we got out of the truck.  I opened the door to the diner for her and she looked
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