All My Tomorrows

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Book: All My Tomorrows Read Online Free PDF
Author: Al Lacy
kind by the other two boys who slept on the floor: thirteen-year-old Jerry Varnell and nine-year-old Clint Albright. They assured him they would help make him comfortable on the floor with them at bedtime. After his experiences with the cruel boys in the alleys, Teddy was thankful for the kindness he was being shown and told them so. “This place is for certain sure a lot friendlier than the alleys where the mean boys live.”
    Later that day when his shift was over, Officer Justin Smith left the precinct station on Thirty-fourth Street in Manhattan and headed for home. Soon he arrived at the tenement where he and his son lived, and before going to his apartment, he knocked on the door across the hall.
    There were rapid footsteps inside, then the door came open and Johnny Smith wrapped his arms around his father. “I’m glad you’re home safe and sound, Dad. Did you have to use your gun today?”
    “No, for which I’m thankful, son,” Justin said as Flora Benson came into the parlor, a smile lighting up her wrinkled face.
    A wonderful aroma of baked chicken and sage dressing was causing Justin’s mouth to water. Flora said, “In case you didn’t know it by what you smell, Officer Smith, you and Johnny are not eating at your usual café this evening. You’re going to keep a lonely old lady company. I have supper ready, and we’re eating together. No arguments.”
    Justin laughed and looked down into Johnny’s eyes. “This lady is really bossy, isn’t she, son?”
    “Yeah, Dad, and aren’t you glad?”
    “Don’t tell her I said so, but I sure am! It smells awfully good from here.”
    Johnny made a slurping sound. “I’ve been smelling it all afternoon! I was sure hoping we would be invited to stay!”
    Flora laughed. “Then that makes us all happy! Take your coat off and warm yourself by the fire, Justin. Supper will be on the table in just a few minutes.” Flora bustled off toward the kitchen.
    Justin stood near the fireplace and glanced about the homey room with his son at his side. A sadness filled his heart as he remembered the warm, cozy home his beloved wife always kept for him and Johnny. Before he had a chance to dwell too long on the past, Flora called them to the table, which was laden with delicious dishes. Both of their mouths were watering in anticipation of the meal.
    While they were eating, Johnny said, “Dad, you told Mrs. Benson and me about Teddy Hansen last night. Were you able to get him in the orphanage today?”
    “Yes, I sure was.”
    “How’s his gash?” queried Flora.
    “Dr. Martin said it will heal up fine inside of a couple of weeks. He had to put four stitches in it. Teddy’s got quite a black-and-blue mark where the bully hit him, but that will clear up in time. The doctor at the orphanage will be looking after him.Poor little guy. He’s been through a lot.”
    Johnny swallowed a mouthful of chicken. “Dad, I sure don’t understand why Teddy’s aunts and uncles wouldn’t want him, but at least in the orphanage, he will have people who care about orphan children and will provide for him. That’s a whole lot better than living on the streets.”
    “After what happened to him on the streets, I’m sure the orphanage will look plenty good to him,” said Flora.
    Johnny took a drink of milk, set the glass down, and looked at his father. “Thank you for loving me and providing for me, Dad. I miss Mom an awful lot, but I’m so glad I still have you. I know I’ve said this a lot, but when I grow up, I want to be a policeman, just like you.”
    Flora chuckled. “Johnny, you’ve been saying that since you were six years old. I admire you for it, and I hope it works out for you when you grow up.”
    Justin smiled. “I hope so too. I will be proud to have my son follow in my footsteps.”
    “Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to wear a badge, Dad. I want to do all I can to stop the crime on New York’s streets, but I think the best part of being a police officer
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