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Book: Absolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
half expected Kitty to speak up, but she hadn’t looked up from their hands since Langford walked into the room.
    “Kurt might have informed you of that, but D.C. is no longer her home. Kitty has settled in nicely and has accepted me as her alpha, as is her right. She isn’t being forced to stay here and if Kurt is any kind of alpha he wouldn’t have let her stay in the Tyler pack as long as he did. He holds no claim.”
    “She is his blood, not just pack.”
    “Doesn’t matter and you know it.” Russ shrugged.
    “I have paperwork for her,” Langford insisted.
    “Fine, you can have it brought here along with Kurt. I’m holding a meeting later today. If he can’t get here in person then he can conference in. If that is all, I’ve got a lot of things I need to prepare.” Russ dismissed Langford.
    Everett wanted to grin, but stopped himself.
    Langford stood and looked at Kitty, but Kitty didn’t even glance at him. He stopped at the office door as if preparing to leave, but didn’t seem happy.
    “I’ll contact Kurt, but he won’t be happy about this.”
    “I don’t know what to tell you, Langford, but there is nothing he can do.”
    “That’s what you think. I’ve worked for the Kelley family for a long time. They have—”
    “I’m sure he has contacts, but so do I. So tell him it’s in his best interest to back off.”
    Langford nodded and left.
    Nobody spoke for a few minutes.
    “Everett and Kitty are important to this whole mess and we’re just finding out about it now?” Peter was the first to speak up.
    “Well, at the time, Kitty was new here and had been through an ordeal. Then—to be honest, I forgot about it. Things were calm. I figured the threat of exposure was over. I should have known better.” Russ ran a hand over his face.
    “I’m sorry,” Kitty whispered.
    “Hey—hey, no, none of this is your fault. It’s fate or the Ancients. Some call it destiny.” Everett pulled her close and hugged her tight.
    “He’s right, this would have happened if you were here or not. I’m thankful you are here, though. You have some D.C. contacts that I don’t. We’re going to need all the help we can get and fast. I hate to—”
    “It’s okay, Russ. I’ll go and make those calls.” Kitty flashed a small smile.
    Everett could tell her heart wasn’t in it. He wanted to go after her, but she was going to need some time to be with her sisters.
    “I’ll come by in a few?”
    “Yes, I’d like that.” Kitty’s smile was more real that time.
    She left the office and shut the door behind her.
    “Russ—,” he began.
    “I know, Ev, I know. I should have said something, but things were good and I didn’t want to mess with that.”
    “How are we the key here?”
    “I have no idea. You know how mysterious the Ancients can be. Maybe it only has to do with the two of you getting together so Kitty can use her contacts to break the news about shifters. I hope that’s all. Getting the packs together is a good thing even if the news doesn’t break. There has been too much corruption, what with Vivian’s den and Peter’s dad. They need to be taken care of. But we can all hope this is the last trial we have to go through.”
    “How is Bella doing?” Peter asked. “She didn’t have another dream, did she?”
    “She hasn’t said anything and you all know she would if she had something. She’s driving David to distraction with all her cravings, but it’ll be nice to have a few pups around. She and Erin should have babies around the same time. Just like the Ancients predicted. Of course now Zareb and Max are running scared because they’re next in line for babies according to the prophecy.”
    That made Everett smile. He didn’t know Zareb too well, but to picture Max as a daddy? That was enough to make anyone have a laugh.
    “So we focus on taking control of our exposure then batten down the hatches and ride the wave until things calm down?” Everett asked.
    “That about sums it
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