
Absolution Read Online Free PDF

Book: Absolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
up. Peter, Grey, get ready for Valerie to interview you.”
    Peter groaned.
    “I know it isn’t something you want to do, but Valerie is right, we need to hit this from all sides.”
    “I know, Russ. I don’t like it, but we’ll do it.” Grey stood and held out his hand to help Peter up from the chair.
    Everett moved to follow them.
    “Ev, hold back for a minute?” Russ spoke up.
    He nodded at the guys and sat back down.
    “What did you need, Russ?” Everett was anxious to get to Kitty. He knew it hadn’t been that long, but he wanted to see her.
    “I want you to know, I’m not forcing anything. Kitty is safe here and I’d never—”
    “I know, Russ. That’s what makes you a great alpha. You have no worries from me.”
    “Good, good. Okay, get out of here and go talk to your mate. The others will be here in a few hours and I need to figure out what to say to them to get them on our side. Thank you, Everett.”
    He knew a dismissal when he heard one. He left the room and made a beeline for Kitty’s house. He hesitated at the door. Maybe he should have waited. She was probably still on the phone talking to folks in D.C. They had time. Like Russ said, things didn’t need to be rushed or forced, no matter what his wolf thought.
    Everett heard footsteps coming towards the door. He knocked so they would know he was there. Bunny, or was it Poppy, opened the door.
    “Hey—Everett, what’re you doing here?”
    “I need to see your sister.” Everett rocked back on his heels.
    “She’s on the phone right now, but you can come in.” She smiled at him.
    “It’s Bunny.”
    “No, it’s okay, most people have a hard time telling us apart.”
    It really wasn’t an excuse, he was a wolf. Their scents should differentiate them. He took a deep breath and again when Poppy walked in. Now he could tell them apart. It was a slight difference, but it was there.
    “Everett, did Bunny let you know Kitty is on the phone? We were going to go shopping, but it looks like something came up. We’re gonna just—yeah—come on, Bunny.” Poppy took Bunny’s arm and pulled her out of the doorway, slamming the door shut behind them.
    No, they weren’t subtle at all. Everett shook his head. What would it be like to be that young again?
    “Bunny, Poppy, are you—”
    Kitty entered the room and his body went on full alert.
    “They left.”
    “Did they say where they were going?”
    “No, just that shopping was cancelled.”
    “Shoot. I didn’t want to, but I figured with the whole exposure thing happening I should get my contacts on line.”
    “Right, right. So, how did that go?” Everett put his hands in his pocket so he wouldn’t grab Kitty and pull her close. God, he wanted to kiss her. To see what she tasted like, how she felt wrapped around his cock. Shit, he was getting hard. He closed his eyes and focused on keeping himself in check.
    “I had to leave a few messages so now it’s sit and wait. I want to be able to get Russ in to see the President. It’s imperative that we have him on our side.” Kitty backed away from him.
    Not that Everett blamed her. He was pumping out pheromones like they were going out of style. He clenched his teeth and stood his ground, not getting any closer. He wanted her, but not when she was so unsure.
    “We should talk,” Everett finally said.
    “About us being mates?”
    “I think so. Yes. I want you really bad here, Kitty, but I’m willing to wait for as long as I have to.”
    “Really? You’d wait?” Kitty stopped moving and looked at him for the first time since she walked into the room.
    Like he was just going to jump her. There was too much in her past for him to even think about it.
    “Of course I would. You’re in absolute control here. We’re on your timetable. I know you have other things you need to deal with, I just want to let you know that I’m here for you and we can chat about whatever you want to—whenever you want
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