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Book: Absolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jambrea Jo Jones
    “You’re not—upset?”
    “Do I smell upset, Kitty? Calm down for a second.” Everett still didn’t move a muscle.
    “I know you sense how turned on I am. Go beyond that.”
    “No. You’re…calm. There’s no anger at all.”
    Everett smiled. “I want more than anything to get to know you. It’s important, right? We need more, not just the mating bond.”
    “I don’t know if I can be a mate.” Kitty looked down again.
    He closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening them. He didn’t look at Kitty. Instead he looked around the room. It was a nice place, but not much in the way of personal touches. The walls were all beige with nothing hanging on them. The furniture was the stuff Russ had ordered in for them. He’d hoped that in all this time the girls would have made it feel more like home. It looked like they were just there for a brief stay.
    “Kitty. Please, sit down. I’m not going to jump you, I promise.”
    Everett waited until she was settled, and took the chair that was to the side of the couch. He wanted to sit beside her. Not yet. He had to bide his time.
    “Why do you think you can’t be a mate?” He wanted to scream , What the hell are you talking about? He didn’t want to corner her or she would bolt.
    “Look what happened to my parents.”
    “I don’t really hear about what happened to your parents. I don’t think anyone really understands. The press doesn’t always get things right.”
    “My mom, she shot my dad. Everything was fine. We were sitting down for dinner. And—”
    “You don’t have to tell me this, you know that, right?”
    “I do. So you can understand. Let me—I have to get this out. I haven’t told anyone everything. Not even the girls. They were staying the night with friends. It was just me, my mom and dad.”
    He didn’t know if he was prepared for what she was about to reveal, but he’d said he’d be there for her and he would stick to that because no matter what, she was his mate and it wasn’t like he’d get another one.

Chapter Five
    Kitty couldn’t believe she was about to spill everything to Everett, but he was her mate and he had to know why she was a bad choice.
    “It was a nice night. Mom and Dad had been fighting about something for days. I have no idea what it was about, just that my mom was very upset. It was one of the reasons the girls left the house. They were tired of hearing it. So dinner was on the table and we were eating. All of the sudden my mom stands up and points a gun at Dad. I have no idea where it came from. It’s like it just appeared in her hands. She screamed something, but I was frozen to my chair, mid-bite. I couldn’t do anything. Dad stood up too and held out his hands. I think he was trying to calm her down or something. She wasn’t having it at all. I flinched when she pulled the trigger.
    “After the gun went off she looked down at it like she hadn’t seen it before. Over and over she was screaming, ‘What have I done?’ I still couldn’t move. I dropped my fork. The clatter was loud. I think it echoed in my head. I thought for sure I was next. Mom looked over at me. She was struggling with the gun—almost like it was alive or something. She looked right at me and said—‘I’m sorry, baby’. It was like the fight went out of her, she raised the gun, told me to look away and shot herself.” Kitty sobbed.
    She didn’t remember Everett moving, but he held her and rocked her back and forth.
    “Shh, Kitty, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
    “Don’t you see—it could run in the family, she was crazy.”
    “Kitty, did you say she was struggling with the gun? Like she didn’t want to do what she was doing?”
    “I…I guess. Yes.”
    All she really wanted to do was forget that night. After it had happened she’d taken her sisters and run with them. She didn’t get too far until the Tyler pack found her and all she wanted to do was stay away from
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