Erotic Encounters

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Book: Erotic Encounters Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Gentry
Tags: Erotic Romance
her body.
    One hand on her ass, he slipped the other inside the back of her T-shirt. Her creamy skin tantalized his fingers and teased his senses. His cock twitched with a life of its own, wanting to find a hot nest to call home.
    A hint of concern tried to force its way back into his consciousness. Taking advantage of a woman who had a bit too much to drink was not his style. He wanted a partner as hot and turned on as he was, someone whose desires matched his own, someone fully aware of what she was doing and the choices available to her, not a woman merely complying with what she thought he wanted.
    His conscience told him to back off and give her a clear cut choice, offer her the option of putting a stop to things before they got totally out of hand. But logic won out. He wasn’t forcing her into anything. If she wanted him to back off, all she had to do was say so.
    He parted her lips with his tongue and probed the inside of her mouth. Her taste, the texture of her tongue against his, it all meshed together in a sensual twining that emulated the prelude to a sultry mating ritual.
    She slipped her arms around his neck as she pressed her body against his growing erection. Her enthusiastic response presented all the encouragement he needed and helped dispel his concern about taking advantage of her. If her actions were a measure, she desired him as much as he did her.
    The blood raced hot and fast through his veins. His breathing became labored. No other woman had ever turned him on so quickly. He wanted her, all of her, in every way possible.
    But before his mind totally shut down, a disturbing thought forced its way in. Surely she must have reservations about what went on at a male strip club, about the reality of horny women throwing themselves at the performers. About how many strangers he had fucked in quick one night stands. It was a thought he couldn’t dismiss and one he needed to address before any clothes came off.
    Dane held her at arm’s length. He pulled in a steadying breath as he tried to calm his rattled nerves. He had to get his rampaging desires under control but could not bring himself to completely turn her loose. In the three years he had worked as a male stripper, this was the first time he had been with a woman who knew about his night job—about his alter ego.
    “There’s something else I think you should know, something I’m sure has crossed your mind. Women at the strip club…I don’t indulge—”
    “Shh.” She placed her fingertips against his lips. “We can talk later.”
    His last remnant of control flew out the window. His final attempt to first and foremost be a gentleman deserted him. He scooped her up in his arms. “Which way to your bedroom?”
    He carried her down the hall to the room she indicated. Rather than placing her on the bed, he lowered her feet to the floor in front of him. A light brush of his fingertips across her smooth cheek sent a tiny shiver racing across the surface of his skin. One hand went up her back beneath her T-shirt, and the other cupped her perfectly rounded ass.
    “You are,” his words turned to a husky whisper, “without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
    The front of his jeans strained against the pressure of a hard cock demanding its freedom. He inched her T-shirt up, revealing her bare breasts capped with the clip-on nipple rings he had seen earlier among her birthday gifts. A moment later her shirt fell to the floor.
    As he reached for the waist of her jeans, he felt her fingers tug at his zipper. He gently brushed her hand away. “Not yet.” He unfastened her pants and slowly inched them down her hips and legs until they rested around her ankles. She stepped out of them without hesitation, kicked them aside and stood before him wearing only panties.
    “I want to know every inch of your body, drink in your essence.” With slightly trembling hands, he lowered her panties. As he deposited them on top of her jeans, she
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