Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicolas David Ngan
Tags: Body; Mind & Spirit, Numerology
    life seemingly separate from the reality. as the karmic matrix radi-
    ates your soul contract programming outward from your physical
    and energetic bodies, the Earthly reality, which is completely fluid,
    rearranges around whatever program(s) you are transmitting. This
    is the actual mechanism of the law of attraction in action, where
    like attracts like. This is where you draw to yourself whatever is
    resonant in your conscious and mainly unconscious feelings and
    Now that you are aware that reality is ultimately rearranging
    around the sound of your birth name, you can consciously focus
    your feelings and thoughts on manifesting what you truly desire
    in life. However, what seems to happen in practice is that, as you
    focus on what you desire, you initially create the opposite of this.
    This is often puzzling to people who are just starting to consciously
    use the law of attraction and can lead them to say, ‘The law of
    attraction doesn’t work!’
    The Law of Opposites
    The reason that the law of attraction doesn’t appear to work ini-
    tially is that there is a second law called the law of opposites that
    activates at the same time as you start to use the law of attraction.
    The purpose of the law of opposites is not to stop you from
    getting what you desire in life. its job is to create a negative con-
    trasting context, the opposite of what you say you desire, so you
    can get really clear on what you wish to create and experience. The
    door is not closed to our true desires which is how many interpret
    situations in their life when they are not aware that the law of
    opposites has activated. The door is actually open; all you need
    to do is to keep focusing on your now refined desire of what you
    wish to create and walk through the door – and it will eventually
    manifest for you.
    i will give you an example of this. i needed to buy a second-
    hand car. i had decided upon the make, model and the maximum
    price i was prepared to pay. i also wanted it to be in top condi-
    tion. I found one on the Internet that appeared to fit the bill and
    arranged to view it. it turned out to have been trashed by its previ-
    ous owner. i was crestfallen and thought to myself that i must have
    seriously messed up using the law of attraction to manifest my
    perfect car. Then I remembered the Law of Opposites. Rather than
    going deeper into a spiral of despair, i pulled myself out and said
    to myself, ‘i’m getting the exact opposite of what i desire. The law
    of opposites is creating this. Therefore, i must be really close to
    getting the perfect car in very good condition that i do desire.’ That
    evening, i maintained my focus on my perfect car, and i was on the
    internet again and found another car that matched my require-
    ments. I rang the dealer immediately and arranged to view it first
    thing the next morning. When i viewed the car, it met all my
    requirements and was in pristine condition, so i bought it on the
    spot. i managed to manifest this because i maintained the focus of
    my feelings and thoughts on what i desired. i did not get caught in
    the trap of focusing on what i didn’t want. For if i did this, i would
    just get more of the same old stuff happening which is what most
    people do unknowingly throughout their entire life.
    let’s step back and look at the much bigger context of our
    lives. it is actually the programming within your soul contract that
    is initially creating everything in your life which is the opposite of
    what you are to become while incarnated here on Earth. The key to
    a fulfilling life through the manifestation of your Soul Destiny/Life
    Purpose is to become conscious of this important way in which
    Earthly reality works. once you understand this secret, you can
    then consciously work to transmute this deep, underlying, uncon-
    scious programming in your soul contract that is generating this
    undesired negative
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