Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF

Book: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicolas David Ngan
Tags: Body; Mind & Spirit, Numerology
context in your life. as you do this, you will
    start to gradually manifest more of what you truly desire.
    The law of opposites is explored in great depth in Neale
    Donald Walsch’s excellent book Happier Than God (Ref 3). Your
    Soul Contract initially creates a specific subjective reality for you.
    This is the opposite of what you truly desire and is coming from
    within you and not being ‘done’ to you in any way, shape or form
    although your ego may perceive it this way. it is important not to
    fall into this trap of unconsciousness; otherwise, the ego will keep
    you in a place of suffering which is its primary modus operandi .
    For example, if a soul has decided prior to incarnation that
    it wishes to re-experience itself as the part of all That is that is
    coming back into its power, it will initially program a life of dis-
    empowerment into the soul contract. This is where it manifests
    people and situations around it that create the experience of
    feeling like a victim. The purpose of this is not for the ego per-
    sonality expression of the soul, which is a brand new construct in
    each lifetime, to stay in the place of being a ‘victim‘. it is actually
    the opportunity for it to decide not to participate in this victim
    consciousness reality any more. it can then move towards a place
    of empowerment of itself and others as part of the soul’s mission
    here on Earth.
    another example is a soul that wishes to become a good com-
    municator and teacher. it would initially program in shyness and
    unworthiness, within the ego personality, to be eventually over-
    come so it can express its many lifetimes of great wisdom from the
    very depths of its being.
    a soul may not visit Earth very often, but has decided to incar-
    nate to experience the heavily polarised human emotions on Earth,
    such as joy and pain, depression and ecstasy, anger and serenity.
    initially, it may not embody fully so that the ego personality is not
    very present or grounded in the body. The result of this is that it
    cannot feel emotions very well, is not emotionally present with
    people and cannot relate well to the reality as a result. The purpose
    of this initial negative context is for the soul to fully embody and
    learn to navigate the emotional soup of the Earth plane – to be
    able to eventually learn to properly connect and relate to people
    and society.
    Your karma is your greatest gift
    Within the primary karmic challenges you face in your life lie the
    gifts you are to bring into the world. You probably did not want
    to hear that! Most people turn away from the hard stuff that
    they manifest in their life through unconscious behaviour such
    as numbing out, addictions and general avoidance of these chal-
    lenges. This is caused by all the fear generated in the ego when it
    comes to facing them. For your life to happen, these karmic chal-
    lenges which have been sabotaging your life need to be accessed at
    a deep level. They need consciousness to be brought to them, and
    they need to be felt. The fear within the ego mind needs to be over-
    come as it is blocking you from feeling and healing your karmic
    challenges. Fear is only ever in the mind, it is never outside you.
    For as you are an integral part of all That is, everything outside
    you, which the ego can create a fear around, including people,
    things and situations, is actually only part of you. it is only the
    ego’s fear itself that creates a so-called threat to you, not the per-
    ceived external ‘threat’ itself.
    You can overcome your ego-based fears by bringing con-
    sciousness to them. This is undertaken by first feeling the negative
    emotions generated by your karmic challenges. This is the last
    thing your ego wants you to do. For the more deeply you can bring
    feeling-based consciousness to a karmic program, the more easily
    it can be healed and transformed layer by layer into positive quali-
    ties (see
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