Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology

Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicolas David Ngan
Tags: Body; Mind & Spirit, Numerology
appendix E: 1). These are your gifts of service, the gold
    you are to bring forth and share in the world. This is an integral
    part of why you came to Earth in the first place. Once you start to
    claim your gifts of service, your life will begin to truly unfold.
    Decoding your soul contract using the process in this book
    will give you specific recommendations on how to undertake this
    process. Once you have done a sufficient amount of clearing of
    your karmic patterns, you will reach a place that i call the thresh-
    old of Soul Integration. This is where a sufficiently high enough
    level of your soul’s energy is now transmitting through the limi-
    tations of your ego separation programming and your being as a
    whole. This will then enable you to really start to manifest your
    true service here on Earth. For true manifestation comes from
    your soul, the part embodied within you and from your spirit, the
    higher dimensional part of you that you are connected to, but that
    is not embodied. This takes a considerable amount of work, but is
    well worthwhile and is the true key to living a fulfilled life here on
    Earth. Up to crossing the point of soul integration, you are very
    much at the mercy of your ego patterns. as you move into the soul
    integration phase, it becomes so much easier to feel and follow
    what we call the Spiritual Signature. It is defined as the feeling
    in your body, especially in your heart, of what is the right action
    to undertake next. This feeling, especially when your heart opens,
    comes from your soul which is using this to guide you into align-
    ment with your soul Destiny. The more you develop your ability to
    feel, surrender into and trust your spiritual signature, the more
    gracefully and easily your life will flow. The reason life is hard
    for most people is because they are not following their spiritual
    For some people, their perception of karma is that it is a uni-
    versal absolute, something that they are stuck with for what seems
    like an eternity, to be lived out over many lifetimes. They feel they
    must work through it, process it and heal it. When your soul is out
    of a physical body, it has no karma, and never did. Everything that
    your soul has ever experienced while embodied in all of its different
    lifetimes is stored in the Akashic Records on the higher dimen-
    sions. in sanskrit, akasha means ‘sky’, ‘space’ or ‘aether’. They are
    like a universal computer that continuously stores and updates
    all knowledge of all embodied soul experience both human and
    non-human throughout the Universe. They are the record of the
    creator creating through each of us, so it can have access to this
    experience. Call it Universal cosmic memory. The Akashic Records
    contain the major themes your soul desires to experience over
    many lifetimes. it is only when your soul chooses to incarnate that
    it does pick up on these themes again. Your karma only ‘activates’
    when you choose to incarnate. it is just a part of your soul’s pro-
    gramming required in order to play the game of separation from
    spirit. You have never done anything ‘wrong/bad’ (cause) at any
    point of your soul’s existence to create it, in order to be subjected
    to any karmic payback (effect) that you may perceive you are expe-
    riencing. it is important to place the concept of karma into its
    proper context: it is just another program, for then your ego mind
    can start to drop the judgement and charge around it. When it
    does this, it releases the ‘karmic’ programming to be transmuted
    so much more easily.
    Your ego is attached to suffering
    The important thing to understand here is that your ego is pri-
    marily programmed to stay attached to the suffering of the human
    condition and to stay locked into the negative context of your soul
    contract for your entire life. once you decode your soul contract,
    the full extent of the negative context the soul has
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