You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever

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Book: You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marisa Peer
like ‘try’, ‘hope’, ‘wish’ or ‘dream’: ‘I am trying to stay on the diet’, ‘I wish I could be a size 12’, ‘I dream of being thinner’, ‘I hope I succeed this time’. These words convince your mind that you have no power or ability to make it happen and that you are depending on some external force to make it work. You are wishing, hoping and dreaming of it working because it is beyond your ability to pull it off.
    When you replace the above words with ‘I know ’, ‘I can ’, ‘I will ’, ‘I am ’ you immediately move into a ‘take charge and succeed’ mentality. Put those words into your statements so they read like this: ‘I will stay on this diet’, ‘I absolutely definitely will be a size 12’, ‘I can be thinner’, ‘I know I will succeed’, and ‘I am making it work for me’.

One Last Word – Enough!
    I am ‘enough’ is the most powerful word of all and my absolute favourite. I’ll show you just how important this word is, and then how to go about using it for its maximum impact.
    I had been working with people with eating issues for several years and was very struck by the fact that they could never seem to get enough to eat and never felt they were enough in themselves as people either. It wasn’t hard to make a connection and the connection became clearer with every overweight person I saw for therapy.
    Overeating generally stems from an inner feeling of lacking something and emptiness. One of my clients described it to me as a feeling of being hollow inside. Therefore we need more food and more material things to compensate for the lack we feel and to fill the void within us. Instead of filling that void with food and purchases you need to understand that the void exists only in your mind and you have the power to close it forever. The unconscious need to be physically bigger, to be substantial to stand out and be noticed often stems from feeling insignificant in childhood. Many of my clients have become physically bigger than they ever wanted to be because when they were little they felt insignificant or small.
    When you know and believe you are enough you don’t need more.
    When you feel and believe you are not enough you will always want more.
    A few years ago I worked with Richard, a very successful actor who kept gaining weight and losing out on acting roles because of it. During hypnosis it emerged that Richard’s father would eat a full cooked dinner every night while his son had beans on toast at the same table. His father always had nicer food than him and much more of it. Richard was never offered any of his father’s food. The family had little spare money and, as the breadwinner and a manual labourer, Richard’s father felt he was entitled to eat hearty meals while his son was not. This scenario was played out over and over. At Sunday lunch his father had the biggest helping and any second helpings were always given to the father. I asked him ‘Did your father ever give you any leftovers?’ He replied ‘There rarely were any but if there were he would sooner give them to the dog than me.’ The message Richard picked up by being given inferior food or smaller amounts was that he was not good enough and that even the dog was more worthy than him.
    In my experience when people feel they are not enough they go into a mental state of ‘lack’ and just cannot get enough. Often this manifests itself by them never feeling they have had enough to eat, always wanting more food, worrying that the food will run out, eating like there is no tomorrow and doing it all again a few hours later.
    When I said to Richard, ‘You just don’t ever feel you are enough, do you?’ huge tears welled up in his eyes and he cried. He then said, ‘I never thought of it like that before but it’s true.’ I made Richard repeat to himself out loud every waking hour ‘I am enough’. He stuck some notes on his mirror, car dashboard, fridge and screensaver with the
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