You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever

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Book: You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marisa Peer
things that are so bad to lose. You can write them out yourself and you will be surprised at how few, if any, good losses there are. Your brain simply cannot accept that all loss is bad but, oh wait, there is one exception: losing weight is good. As far as your brain is concerned all loss is bad and gain is very good indeed. Don’t fight this fact, work with it and it will work for you.
    I get my patients to replace loss with:
    • I have let go of 10 pounds.
    • I have reduced by half a stone.
    • I have shed 10 pounds.
    • I have dropped a dress size.
    • I have taken off 6 kilos.
    • I am dropping weight.
    • I am shedding pounds.
    • I am becoming leaner/lighter.
    • I am becoming a size 12.
    • I am becoming a smaller shape/size.
    • I am getting back to the right size and weight for me.
    Reduced, discarded, shed, let go, dropped, taken off, got off, eliminated and erased have less emotional attachment to them than the word loss. Find another word that works effectively for you and stop talking about losing weight. If you slip up occasionally don’t feel bad, just correct the statement with something that works.

    Fact 3 ‘My’ is an ownership word. ‘My’ is also another emotional word.
    One of the most forceful rules of the mind is that it is reluctant to give up anything you prefix with ‘my’. The clients I work with who have the most severe illnesses and symptoms always talk about my headaches, my problems, my depression, my illness, even my cancer. The clients who come to see me to shed weight talk about my weight, my fat, my enormous appetite, my greed, my problems with food, my huge stomach, my constant hunger.
    Never use the word ‘my’ as a prefix to something you wish to be free of because this makes the mind accept something as belonging to you when it doesn’t. The mind finds it much harder to part with or change anything which you continue to refer to as ‘my’ or ‘mine’. Only prefix something with ‘my’ if you are proud of it and want to keep it. For instance, you can talk about my commitment to this programme, my determination, my enthusiasm, my fantastic progress, in the same way you talk about my children, my home. These are things you are happy and proud to own.
    We have all seen small children fighting over a toy or even a chair they were sitting on while screaming ‘It’s mine ’. Adults can get just as upset when someone takes my seat, my place, my newspaper. They become very territorial over something they think they own and your mind is doing the same thing all the time, you just may not have been aware of it before, and now you are it can only help you to succeed in reaching your ideal size and weight.
    Your fat does not need to be yours. Does it belong to you? Do you call it mine? Do you want to own it forever, or is the real you underneath the fat? If you say, ‘It’s mine’ and I say, ‘I can take it off you it isn’t going to be yours any more’, you aren’t going to fight me for it, you’re going to say ‘Take it all, with pleasure, I don’t want it’. When I was a personal trainer I would often say to my clients, ‘We can get rid of the flab with this exercise programme’ and no one ever replied ‘It’s my flab and I need to keep it’. If a surgeon doing liposuction takes a handful of your flesh he might say, ‘I can take some of this fat away’. Your reply might be ‘Can’t you take all of it away?’ because you don’t want it. Who would argue with him and say ‘No, you can’t have it, it’s mine’. You are going to pay him a lot of money and endure some pain to have him take it away. You are not going to take the jars of removed fat home to keep because it’s yours and it belongs to you. This would be pointless. It is just as pointless and counterproductive to keep calling a habit you don’t want and a size you don’t want ‘mine’ while all the time longing to be free of it. If you don’t want it, if you
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