The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Wood
come back. The will to argue vanished, and she just slumped to the straw covered floor instead.
    She now knew it was a race between the Squad Leader getting his charges heard, and the young soldier who had agreed to help getting to Jak Corley. She had barely time to think of the consequences of the former when she heard shouting. She stood and looked towards the doorway of the building but could not see who was making the ruckus.
    Hope afforded a smile as a senior looking gent in full military uniform stood outside her cell. "Hello Jak," she said casually, as if meeting him under these circumstances were somewhat of an everyday occurrence. General Corley turned to one of the guards, "Open this bloody cell door...Now!" he bellowed. The soldier in question fumbled nervously with the set of keys, made all the worse by Jak tapping his foot impatiently.
    Hope burst through the doorway, and wrapped her arms around the General. "Am I ever pleased to see a friendly face," she said squeezing him tightly. Arran walked out behind her, and waited for the two to finish their greeting. "I am sure you have much to tell me My Lady," Jak said with a smile. The General looked beyond Hope to the young Darekian stood behind her. Hope, noticing the uncertainty on Jak's face, told him that Arran was with her, and introduced the two to each other.
    Once outside, Hope noticed the entire squad who had picked her up were lined up. There was one who she wanted to say thank you to, and so she walked over toward them. "Jak, that young man there was the only one who believed me. He fed me and helped get you to me before he," she said pointing to the Squad Leader, "Could have me flogged."
    If looks could have killed then the squirming figure of the squad leader would have been dead the moment Jak Corley laid eyes on him. The man that had helped was thanked by both the General and Hope, before being told to report back to duty. The others were then severely reprimanded, and told they would all be mucking out the stables everyday for the next week. The squad leader however was not going to get off so lightly. With rank came responsibility, and it was quite clear this man had shown none. "You, will report to my office and wait for me to return," Jak shouted at him, clearly angry at the way he had treated Hope.
    The man slowly trudged off in the direction of the main building rather crest fallen, to await his punishment. Hope turned to Jak, "Can we have some food Jak, aside from the little given to me by the soldier, neither I nor Arran has eaten for some time." The General looked down at her, his weathered aged face smiling as he held out an arm so he may lead her to the mess hall.
    It was still quite clear that the General was not sure what to make of Arran. The youngster was Darekian after all, and trusting one as such was not something one did lightly. Jak sat opposite the pair as two bowls of stew were placed before them, along with several slices of thick bread and butter. "Eat up," the General said getting to his feet. "I will be back in a little while after I've dealt with that snivelling little weasel." Hope was about to say not to go too hard on the man, but thought better of it; he deserved to get whatever was coming his way.
    In his office, Jak Corley sat behind his desk looking up at the nervous looking figure before him. "What is your name?" he asked. "Squad Leader Amson Sir," came the reply. A silence followed as Jak thought about what to do. "Well you are now private Amson," Jak said calmly. "Did you not think for one second that what the girl told you was truth," he added raising his voice. "Do you realise that had one of your men not shown initiative to come and find me, you would have just flogged the Kings niece. Had I not arrived when I did you would most likely be finding yourself swinging from a noose now," he bellowed, making the man step back. The man grimaced as Jak walked around his desk to stand in front of him. "Get out of my office
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