Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2)

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Book: Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: W.H. Vega
Savannah, she sure seems happy to see Paige. I should
have known. My parents always loved Paige. They had just been giving me a hard
time, when they were probably secretly delighted all along that Paige and I
were back together.
    “Come on in to the living room and
sit down,” my mother says, beckoning Paige to the living room. “Let’s catch
    Paige smiles and follows my mother.
    “Can I get you something to drink?”
my dad asks her. “Wine, soda, water?”
    “Water would be lovely, thank you,”
Paige says, moving into the living room and sitting down next to my mother on
the couch.
    “Now, tell me what you’ve been up
to besides capturing my son’s heart again?” my mother says, but she’s smiling.
    Paige frowns. “I’m really sorry
about that,” she says earnestly, “I never expected this to happen. I know he
was engaged, and we tried really hard to resist our feelings.”
    “Oh, sweetie, pish,” my mother
laughs, “You don’t have to explain anything to me. That Savannah was a tramp!”
    Paige covers her mouth and giggles.
    “Blake should have known better
than to get involved with her anyway. Of course, it’s caused a few hiccups in
our social circle,” she says, shooting me a look, “but we dealt with it. And
it’s no wonder he couldn’t resist you. You’re just as sweet as ever.”
    Paige seems somewhat mollified and
they start talking about Paige’s return to Nashville and what she’s been doing
since arriving.
    I step into the kitchen with my
    “Well for all the crap you and Mom
gave me, you both seem happy to see Paige,” I say in a low voice.
    My dad lets out a quiet laugh. “Of
course we’re happy to see Paige. Your momma is just upset about pissing off the
Devlins. You had to go and get yourself engaged to one of the most prominent
families in Nashville.” He pauses. “They’re out for blood,” he says darkly.
    My dad looks at me, and then shakes
his head. “Never mind. It’s not important.”
    “The hell it is. What do you mean
they are out for blood ?”
    “We’ll talk another time, son. Let
it go for now. Paige is a breath of fresh air. And such a lady. She’s the kind
of girl you should end up with.”
    “Yeah, I know.”
    “Is it serious?”
    “Yeah, it is.”
    My dad nods. “Good. You don’t want
to let a girl like Paige get away.”
    “I know. I already lost her once.”
    My dad’s quiet for a moment. “How
is she handling all that?” he asks carefully.
    I sigh. “It was thirteen years ago,
but it still haunts her.” I look over at Paige who is laughing and talking with
my mom. It makes me feel damn good inside to see them getting along. “But she’s
come a hell of a long way,” I tell my dad.
    He’s looking over at my mom and
Paige too. “Sure seems like it,” he agrees. “And ain’t that one pretty
    It is one pretty picture, as my dad
puts it. In all the years I was with Savannah, never had she and my mother gotten
along like this. And Paige had only been inside the house for five minutes now.

    I look over and smile at Blake as
we drive home from his parents’ house.
    He grins back at me and shakes his
    “All that worrying for nothing,
huh?” he teases.
    “You told me yourself that they
weren’t happy about things,” I point out.
    “I did,” he reasons, “I didn’t
realize they were just basically giving me a hard time.” He shakes his head
again. “They both love you.”
    “Good,” I say with satisfaction,
“because I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
    Blake squeezes my hand and I change
the subject.
    “Do you have to work with the band
    He frowns and nods. “We need one
more song and we’re struggling.”
    Rust goes into the studio next week
too, and they're cutting eleven tracks. I'm going to put twelve tracks on my
album, but three of those will be duets with Blake. We're going to cover Need
You Now , from Lady Antebellum because we had such
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