Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2)

Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wounded But Not Scarred (New Adult Rockers 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: W.H. Vega
success with it on tour
and we're also going to lay down two original tracks. One of which is currently
being written for us, and the other one is supposed to be written by the two of
    I don’t want to push Blake on
writing our one song, because I know he's stressed out about Rust’s song at the
    As always, Blake has an uncanny
ability to read my mind.
    “I know we need to do a song, too,”
he says, “I just need to get my head together with the band.”
    “It’s okay, really. I know this is
stressful with us being pushed into the studio so soon, and having all this
pressure to get two good albums out.”
    Blake nods. “Your dad mentioned
that he wants to do another tour before Christmas.”
    I bite my lip. “I know. That’s a
lot of pressure. Especially since these albums probably won’t make it out until
    Blake nods in agreement.
    We are doing something almost
unheard of by rushing these albums like this. Most albums are planned for
months and months, and we're doing two in a matter of weeks. I understand that
my dad wants to strike while the iron's hot, but it sure puts a lot of pressure
on us.
    “Me and the guys are going to work
together tomorrow and all weekend,” Blake speaks up. “Maybe we can get together
during the week - in between our own sessions or after.”
    “Sure. We’ll make it work.” I say.
    We pull up at my daddy’s house,
Blake cuts the engine and pulls me across the seat and into his lap.
    “I love you,” he whispers, brushing
away a strand of my hair and kissing me.
    “Mmmm,” I sigh, kissing him back,
and pressing my body to him.
    His mouth becomes more frantic, and
I meet his urgency as I feel my insides heat up.
    Blake chuckles nervously and pushes
me away. “I don’t know if Kenny is watching but we certainly don’t want to give
your dad a show.”
    That snaps me out of it.
    “No, we don’t,” I say.
    I give him a light peck on the
cheek, and crawl back to my side before pushing the door open.
    “Thanks for taking me home to see your
parents, I feel so much better now. I couldn’t have asked for a better night.”
    “I couldn’t ask for a better
girlfriend,” he counters.
    “Love you baby!” I call as I head
into the house.
    The house is dark and quiet, and I
think I can hear the TV in my daddy’s room. I don’t disturb him, and instead
make my way back to my room. I work on some music for a bit to unwind and then
finally go to bed, knowing that I’ve got work to do on my own album over the
next couple days.

    I spend the next three days holed
up in my room working on music. I’m not sure if it’s because Blake and I are
going so strong, or that my life finally feels like it's falling into place,
but the music just pours out of me, and I realize I’m going to have more than
enough songs for my album.
    I don’t see Blake all weekend, but
we talk a bit, and it seems the band is making progress and they were finally
able to come up with a new song to record.
    The band and I are sharing time in
the studio throughout the week, and I have the first session on Monday. I
decide to give my mom a call before I head out to record.
    “Hi Paige,” she answers on the
first ring.
    “Hey Momma. I’m sorry I haven’t
checked in with you in a while.”
    “I was beginning to think that you
forgot all about me.”
    “Of course not!”
    “Well, I hardly hear from you and I
haven’t seen you once since you moved.”
    My mother was right; I hadn’t been
doing a very good job keeping in touch.
    “I know, I know. You're right. What
if we plan to get together for one of the upcoming weekends?”
    I can just picture my mom’s face
lighting up.
    “I would love that. Are you singing
anywhere soon? I could come down and here you sing.”
    “I’m actually not performing
anywhere right now. That was part of the reason I was calling you. I’m going
into the recording studio to cut my first album today.”
    “Oh my goodness! That’s
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