With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)

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Book: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aliyah Burke
me, Dustin.”
    Need unlike anything he had ever experienced owned him. When he realized he was sliding his hand around her waist, he shook his head and carefully set her away from him.
    “Soon, darlin’. But not with you like this.” He kissed her forehead and let himself out of the room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind him.
    Taking the same care to exit the house, he made sure to lock the door before drawing it shut after him. Back in his truck he swore repeatedly while his fingers gripped the steering wheel. His cock throbbed in his jeans, and he shook his head. “Yep, goddamn fuckin’ gentleman.”
    * * * *
    A graveled voice waded through the darkness, shaking her awake. She resisted. A hand joined the repeating voice. “Finn. Wake up.”
    Grumbling under her breath, she cracked her eyes open. Her father stood there, staring down at her. Lord, her head throbbed.
    “Hmm?” How she wished to close her eyes again. “Did I forget something?”
    “No. You have a visitor.”
    She sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Who is it?”
    “Dustin Kane.”
    She must be dreaming. Or hallucinating. Perhaps both. There was no way Dustin Kane would be here, especially not looking for her. Had she done something foolish last night? Drinking that much had been unwise. Hell, she wasn’t even sure how she’d made it up here to her room and bed. She was fully dressed aside from her boots.
    “I’ll be right down.”
    “See you do.”
    She sat up the moment her father left only to groan and fall back with a whimper of agony. After a few moments she tried again, slower this time, and the hammering in her skull didn’t abate as she took a swift shower and dressed.
    Climbing down the stairs, she wished for some sunglasses. The entire house was bright, which normally didn’t bother her. Quite the opposite actually. Right now, she wanted to hiss and scurry to the closest, darkest corner and never leave so long as the sun shone.
    She pinched the bridge of her nose, took a deep breath, and walked into the living room. Standing behind the handmade wooden sofa frame was Dustin. A moan of desire almost escaped as she took him in. Black shirt—tight black shirt—hugged his powerful arms. His jeans only emphasized the leanness of his waist and the muscled legs which more oft than not were around a horse.
    Lucky damn horse.
    She knew he wore cowboy boots. In all the years she’d known him, the only time he hadn’t was for football. Wiping her hands along her jeans, she went to her father’s side and kissed him.
    “Sorry you had to come get me, Daddy.”
    He patted her hand. “Mr. Kane was just telling me how pleased he is with the work you’ve done on his horses.”
    Flushed, she ducked her head. “You taught me all I know, Daddy.”
    “Never was good with compliments, this one.” Her father rose and moved from the room. “Good to see you again, son.”
    “You too, sir.”
    His voice, so mesmerizing, had her biting the inside of her lip. They were alone in the room, and she slowly met Dustin’s gaze. He watched her, amusement on his face.
    “Rough night? Or has it been that long since you’ve drunk so much?”
    She sat on the arm of the nearest chair, unsure how long her legs could hold her. “You come all the way out here to ask me about my drinking habits?” Rubbing her temples, she wished the pounding would ebb. An easy grin lifted the corners of his entirely-too-kissable mouth.
    “Nope. I thought you might like a ride to retrieve your truck.”
    Her truck. Crap. Still parked outside Denim & Spurs, alerting to everyone she went home with someone. More specifically, Dustin Kane, as he took her out of the establishment. She groaned. “You sure you don’t mind?”
    “Not at all.”
    She pushed up and yawned. “Let’s go then.” He nodded once, sharply. “Back in a bit, Daddy, and I’ll take care of the horses.”
    “Need some help?” Dustin asked as she shut the door behind her.
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