something he’d never tasted before. Samantha. Finn. Whatever she wanted him to call her.
His body came alive, blood surged to his groin, and he growled right before he hauled her tight to him. He cupped the back of her head and her ass as the kiss deepened. Moments before he almost lost all control he ended it, drawing hard on her lower lip.
The word was breathy, and she remained pressed tight to him, pupils dilated, parted lips wet with his kiss. She was a woman who appeared thoroughly pleasured. And that was from only a kiss.
He imagined she would be passionate, just no idea how explosive. If their kiss were any indication, volcanic would be a place to start. Turning, he guided her to the door, hand resting possessively on her ass. Yes, that ought to do it. A smug grin on his face, he led her to his truck, past the numerous wide-eyed stares.
Oh yeah, he definitely planned on kissing her again.
She slumped over in his vehicle as he drove her out to her spread, slight snores emitting from her side. He parked close to the house and killed the headlights before they woke her father.
“Wake up, Samantha,” he said. “We’re home.”
“Oh good,” she blabbed before she fell over the other way.
“Right, you’re just buzzed,” he muttered, undoing his seatbelt and making his way around the truck to her side. Opening her door, he supported her while he undid hers and leaned her into him. Part of him wondered if it wasn’t her mental exhaustion as well as the alcohol that had put her in this state. It seemed once she allowed herself to relax she’d gotten worse.
The scent of her skin slammed into him, making his cock stand up and salute. He squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled sharply. “I’m a gentleman, a fucking gentleman,” he said in a low, hard tone. “Let’s get you inside.”
“You smell nice.” She nuzzled him under the chin.
“Fuckin’ gentleman,” he forced out from between clenched teeth.
He put her feet on the ground and supported her as they walked up to the front door. He held her while they stood before it.
“Open sesame,” she said before laughing. “It didn’t work. Hocus pocus.”
“It didn’t work either, darlin’. How about a key?”
She nodded. “Good idea.”
They stared at each other in the glow from the porch light. “Where’s your key, darlin’?”
She made some faces, and he just checked her pockets. Sliding his hand into her jean pocket didn’t help the state of his cock. Her heated skin singed him through the material, and he bit back a groan.
Finally he unlocked the door and helped her through into the darkness. Closing the door quietly behind him, he bent his head to her ear. “Can you make it from here?”
He felt her head nod just as she said, “Nope.”
“Where’s your bedroom?”
“Upstairs on the right.” Her words were even more slurred now.
“Right.” Placing her keys on the table he found, he scooped her up in his arms. She giggled, and he shushed her. “You don’ wanna wake up your daddy.”
“He’s sleeping.”
He tried to ignore the press of her body in his arms. It was impossible to ignore how she felt there. It was right. He opened the first door, praying it wasn’t her father’s room and turned on the light.
The room was clean but sparse in the way of girly items. For a flash in the pan, he compared it to Charlotte’s place. Hers had been full of frills and lace. This was comfortable and functional. He liked it. The furniture was well worn but looked to be in good shape.
He placed her down on the bed and pulled her boots off. Then he stopped, knowing full well if he took anything else off of her, they would end up naked and his dick would be buried balls deep inside her.
“Sleep well, Samantha.” He brushed some hair away from her face.
She moved like a bolt of lightning, latching her arms around him. Grinding into him as much as she could from her position. She whispered, “Stay with me. Make love to