Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)

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Book: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deva Long
Caden Morning said he would forgive what she owed, but would Darco? Tolling? The accountants? Promises were like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver. Plus, the debt was hers, she owed the money.
    Seven thousand dollars and change, plus interest and she didn’t want to do the math on that. She just knew it was more than any friend or family member had or could get. Anna was the successful one in her circle of family and friends. Everyone looked to her for loans and advice because she’d scored an office job, and pulled herself up from the swamp of manual labor.
    She put the Wartenberg wheel back in its place, and picked up the paperwork.

    Semi-colon packed legalese again swam before her eyes, and more tears splotched the paper.
    Two paths forked before her and she had misgivings about either one. Staying, taking the punishment, and seeing where the connection with Caden went— she was sure it was there. Finding the signature lines in the mass of ant tracks and scrawling her name next to the words Voluntary Termination was the other choice. The story where Caden took her in his arms and kicked the bag of evil tools aside, didn’t start with her giving up. The tale might never start. Certainly, she would never find out the ending of her ideal saga if she signed the papers and walked out of the office. Out of his life.
    Her pains had subsided and she felt like she could take more. Depending on how he punished her, how slow he built up, the hurt sometimes felt good. Even when he hit her too hard, the experience was something different from the mindless burger flipping she saw in her future if she left. Taking advantage of the high unemployment rate, the coffee shops and burger joints used computer programs to analyze how customers shopped and hired employees only to cover high traffic times instead of for regular shifts, though employees were expected to come running when called.
    Being on-call without pay was certainly a form of torture. Her friend Jane constantly complained about the never-ending un-scheduled disruption. For all the people Anna knew, life was a daily grind of slaving for someone else’s dream, followed by one night stands with strangers discovered by clicking through faces on a Smartphone app. Only to start the whole thing again the next morning until, at some point, one of the faces sticks around. Or maybe not.
    If a swipe did hang around, there would be the usual tension from never making enough money to cover the lifestyle sold in the nightly info-tainment until things fell apart. Then, there would be bankruptcy. Screaming fights. Divorce. She’d seen that road take a hundred acquaintances and she’d seen true love happen in the movies and romance paperbacks.
    Here with Caden lived adventure and risk and maybe reward promised by the path of staying. Pain, certainly, sometimes pleasure, but also something different, something new. A life without lawyers, bill collectors, and other forms of pink slime.
    She put the papers down and took his shirt. She used the fine cloth to cover one of the break chairs to protect her naked skin, and primly waited for Caden Morning to return with whatever appallingly awesome adventure he planned to take her on next.

    With an evil clanking approaching from the hallway, Anna regretted her decision to stay. The door burst open and in strode Caden Morning’s shirtless glory, carrying something long and made of metal.
    Anna bolted to her feat.
    A…step ladder?
    He did say that. She had been certain she misheard.
    “You’re still here, I see. Good. I wanted to try this.”
    Caden gave her a predatory smile that sent her pulse racing.
    She had hoped for more feeling from him when he saw she’d remained, but he acted like a hawk stalking a hare.
    All he cares about is what he wants to do to my flesh.
    Or was that a twinkle in his eye she saw just then?
    With a great clacking and clanging, he pushed the table aside and set the triangle of the
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