With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)

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Book: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aliyah Burke
the wings toward him. “Help yourself. They’re hot spicy buffalo.”
    “Thanks.” He noticed they were getting stares. Mostly from those who knew Charlotte. They weren’t friendly ones either. He didn’t give a damn but perhaps Samantha did. “So, gonna let me return the favor?”
    Her eyes grew wide. “Favor?”
    What had she been thinking? Perhaps the more important question he needed to address was why was he intrigued in finding out? “Listening.” He reached for a wing and bit into it. The heady flavor doused his tongue and sped along his taste buds. Delicious.
    “You really want to hear about my problems?”
    “Lay ‘em on me.”
    A smile lifted the corners of her lips making her entire appearance softer. “No thanks, I’ll be fine. Just need to drink some more.”
    Somehow he doubted that. “How’s work?”
    “Busy actually,” she said once she finished her beer. “I wasn’t expecting to have so many of dad’s clients want to keep me on. Most places, especially around here, pre…pre…want a male farrier.”
    “Some think it’s a man’s job.”
    “Like you.”
    She didn’t make it a question. “I was hesitant when I realized Connor had hired you. I’ll admit it.”
    “Brave. Doesn’t matter, I’m used to the skepticism.” She waved a hand around. “I only came back because daddy was hurt and will be leaving as soon as he’s on his feet again.”
    “Where have you been?” He wasn’t sure what to do about the news she was only here temporarily.
    “Maryland. I live and work at one of the largest dressage stables there. Luckily they’re very family oriented and allowed me to come home for as long as he needs me.”
    A memory flashed. “Do you still ride dressage?”
    “No, not in competition anyway.”
    “You miss it.” That much was obvious to him by her tone.
    “I do. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything.”
    He thumbed his hat back before leaning forward. “Anytime you want to go riding, feel free.”
    She canted her head to the side. “We have horses, but thanks.”
    Dustin held her gaze. “I know.” He wanted her riding his horses…or him. Either, both. He wasn’t picky.
    Heat filled her eyes, and she reached for a wing. “I…I should go.”
    “How are you getting home?”
    She raised her index finger. He noticed a silver ring on her thumb. “A very good question. I must…find my keys.”
    Like he was letting her drive in this condition. “Come on, I’ll take you. Can’t have you behind the wheel like this.”
    “This person,” she pointed at herself, “not drunk. Buzzed.”
    “This person,” he touched his chest, more specifically his heart, “doesn’t give a damn. I’m driving you home.”
    She lurched to her feet, slightly waving. “Won’t that set tongues a-wagging? Dustin Kane putting me in his truck.”
    He rose and steadied her, checking the booth to ensure she’d not left anything behind. Hell, he’d not even finished his beer. She had at least four, more from the looks of her. He wasn’t sure what she meant by the sneered “me” but let it go, well aware she was more than a bit buzzed and wouldn’t answer him coherently.
    She held still, and he allowed himself an extra few seconds to inhale that damnable concoction she wore. Honeysuckle and jasmine.
    “Let’s really give ‘em something to gossip about.” He kept her between him and the booth seat.
    Trouble sparked in her eyes. “How do you propose we do that? Shall we get naked right here? You could just take me against the booth or on the table. Hell, why not both, you seem like you have the stamina to go for a long while.”
    Definitely tempting. He hid his smile at her words, knowing she was far more wasted than she’d figured if she was talking as she was. “Like this.”
    Those two words were her only warning. He slanted his mouth over hers. Taking advantage of her startled gasp, he slid his tongue into her mouth. She tasted of beer, wings, and
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