superior officers, or by other girls under their
orders, dozens of times. As described above, I had been penetrated
front, rear and orally, by cocks, fingers, tongues and various
devices, and I will admit that the orgasms were pretty good. They
were brief, but intense explosions of pure animal pleasure, and
they allowed me to forget my state of sexual slavery for as long as
they lasted.
But sex with Robin was and is a completely
different proposition. Just the touch of her lips on my nipples or
her fingertips on my pussy is better by far than the wildest orgasm
I ever experienced at the hands of my Academy instructors. That
first night, when her tongue found my clit, I thought I would
explode from feeling so much pleasure at once. Every time I open
her lovely labia and breathe in her delicious aroma… well, never
mind. I’m a soldier, not a poet, so I don’t know how to describe
what I feel when Robin and I make love. Probably nobody can. If
you’ve never experienced love yourself, I don’t think all the words
in the world would be enough.
By the way, I still occasionally have an eye
for good-looking studs: I never lost interest in men, and the same
is true for Robin. I will even admit that we have done more than
look on occasion, and have even gone so far as to invite a male to
join us in bed every now and again. But we’re both just having a
little fun, and I have never worried that an occasional roll in the
hay with a boy-toy would have any effect on our feelings for each
One lingering effect from the NMWA was that
we both developed a taste for some mildly kinky sex (I am assuming
that nobody nowadays considers oral sex “kinky”). As a matter of
fact, this is really none of anyone’s business, but this is
supposed to be a “tell-all” memoir, so with Robin’s permission, I’m
telling all. One night when we were in bed together (this is after
we had graduated, and I had been promoted to Lieutenant-General,
more about that a little later), were reminiscing about our days at
the Academy. Robin remarked that the first time she had seen me
spanked on my bare bottom, she had been mostly horrified, but also
more than a little excited. Later on, of course, she had been
ordered to whip a number of our classmates as part of our sex
training (never me, as it happened), and she didn’t get any thrill
from those experiences at all.
I found this strangely interesting.
“Really?” I asked. “What exactly did you like about seeing me
She seemed a little embarrassed. “I don’t
know, Jodie.” She said. “You have such a cute little ass, and the
way it wriggled under the Sergeant’s crop, it just…” she trailed
off. “Anyway, I didn’t think of you that way back then. I wasn’t a
lesbian or anything.”
I pictured being bent over Robin’s knee with
my naked buns in the air, and I liked what I saw. I rose up on my
hands and knees and crawled over to lie across her lap, there on
the bed. I shook my bottom as temptingly as I could (and I have a
very tempting bottom, if I do say so myself), and said, “Wouldn’t
you like to try it just once? I promise I won’t accuse you of being
a lesbian or anything.”
Robin laughed. “OK, as long as you won’t
think I’m some kind of weirdo, I’ll do it, just this once, and only
as a personal favor to you, you understand,” she said. She sat up
straight and gave me a light swat on my left cheek. This was
definitely not what I had in mind.
“ Bransom, that was the most pathetic
excuse for a spank I have ever seen,” I barked, using my best
imitation of our old drill Sergeant. “If you do not administer the
correction appropriately, you will receive ten disciplinary strokes
on your useless cadet cunt ass. Is that understood?”
Robin smiled. “Understood, Sergeant,” she
replied. She took hold of my right wrist and bent my arm up behind
my back until I had to lean forward and raise my ass to relieve the
pressure. Then she slammed her hand