North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

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Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlie Cochet
outside, the cold North wind blustering, and a million dazzling white lights flickering against a night sky.
    “Take me to bed, Jack,” Rudy said quietly, his head coming to rest against Jack’s chest.
    With a kiss to the top of his head, Jack led Rudy out of the tub. He dried them both off and dressed them in their robes, Rudy in his signature crimson red and Jack in his usual black. They would change into their pajama bottoms in the bedroom, which really was more a courtesy for the servants who came to bring them breakfast in the morning than anything else.
    In no time at all, Jack had them both in the luxurious, four-poster canopy bed under furry blankets, the room cool enough for the mounds of soft fleece and fur, but warm enough not to chill his lover. Jack smiled at Rudy’s contented sigh as he snuggled up to Jack’s side, his arm flung across Jack’s chest. He ran his hands through Rudy’s amazing hair and chuckled.
    “What?” Rudy murmured sleepily.
    “Your head looks like it’s ablaze.”
    “It always looks like it’s ablaze.”
    “I know,” Jack replied, mesmerized by the rich red hues. The quiet sounds of Rudy’s breathing told Jack his lover was already fast asleep. Carefully, Jack rolled onto his side to face Rudy, studying his beautiful face, his long dark lashes, dark-red eyebrows, smooth jaw, plump lips, everything a stark contrast to his own features. How could two enchanted beings so different from each other fit so well together? Jack was rumbling thunder, an untamable blizzard of piercing ice and blinding snow with a penetrating gaze that frightened most who faced him, whereas Rudy was charm and light, a calming summer breeze, dancing candlelight, and all that was good and pure. He was kind and generous, always smiling, always ready to offer a helping hand to anyone who needed it.
    As sleep came for him, Jack’s thoughts were on Rudy and how he couldn’t imagine his life without him, how empty and cold it had been before the elf in his arms had set him free. At times he wished he could remember what had come before that day so long ago when Rudy had captured his heart, but then he put those thoughts aside. What mattered was that he had Rudy in his life now, and he had no intention of changing that. Not if he had any say in it.
    So many thought him fearless, but they had no idea. They were unaware of the dread he carried with him every day, the voice in his head reminding him of the destruction he was capable of, the harm he had once caused but couldn’t recall. Every night, when he lay down, he could hear the voice calling to him, telling him what he really was and would become if he lost himself once more. When he felt as though he couldn’t take one more thought, he pulled Rudy tight against him, and all at once a deep peace fell across his soul. It would be all right. Everything would be all right. As long as Rudy was safely at his side, all would be well.

Chapter Four
    T HREE WEEKS . To think, only three weeks from now all those years of hard work, of sleepless nights, of hours upon hours of investigations, were going to finally pay off. Justice would be served and the Mouse King would be off their snowy streets for good. With Christmas a few weeks away, it would truly be a great time for celebration.
    At the Palace Courts, North Pole City’s brightest and fiercest defenders of justice went about their duties, ensuring the safety and well-being of their illustrious kingdom. It was still rather hard to believe the notorious villain would soon be nothing but an unpleasant memory.
    Jack headed down into the prison beneath the courts with Hollis and Vale close behind. The twins were uncharacteristically quiet this morning. Well, one of them was. Vale was always quiet. It was amazing how two elves who were so identical on the outside could be so utterly different on the inside. Jack cast a discreet glance at Hollis, frowning at the very pensive expression on his face. Something was
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