Unusual Inheritance
asked. “Of course I can. No problem.” Carmen
    After breakfast Stormy pulled out the books
for the ranch and sat down to look them over again. She had done
this before, but surely must be missing something. They seemed
okay, but the ranch didn’t seem to be making the money it had a
year ago. Maybe she didn’t look back far enough. Stormy went back
many months prior to when Aunt Lucy had died and did a comparison
of inventory, supply cost, and sales. As the comparison progressed
over the months, she could see a sharp decline in the ranch
finances. The problem seemed to stem from loss of cattle, to an
unbelievable increase in supplies for the ranch. Before mentioning
this to Jake she would delve a little further into it. If they have
fewer cattle, then where are they? If less cattle, why are more
supplies for ranch needed? Lots of questions that need answering,
she thought. Now it was time to check out where items listed on the
books really are.
    Stormy dressed in work pants so she could
really give the ranch a good going over. With gloves in her back
pocket she set off to the barn to start her investigation.
    Benjamin, the old stable hand, looked up from
mucking the stalls as Stormy entered the barn. “Howdy, Miss
Calder,” he said, coming closer. “Something I can do fer ya?” He
asked, then spit his slippery elm chaw on the ground.
    “Good morning Benjamin,” Stormy smiled as she
answered. He looked to be about 70 years old, wiry, yet still
strong enough to get the barn cleaned and animals fed. “I have a
few questions for you if you have the time,” she added.
    “Shore do, Ma’am,” he answered. “Is something
wrong?” He spat on the ground again.
    “No, Benjamin, I just want to learn more
about how things are done here on the ranch. What can you tell me
about where the supplies are kept, and who keeps up with what needs
to be ordered before the receipt is passed on to me. You know, how
we inventory things,” she added.
    “Well.” Benjamin rubbed his beard covered
chin in thought. “Jake pretty much runs everything round these
parts and we don’t argue with him bout it, fer sure.” He nervously
shifted from one foot to another.
    Stormy replied. “Where are the supplies and
other items the ranch stores kept?”
    “Well, most supplies for horses are kept in
the tack room and supplies, like grain, are kept in the building
behind the barn here. Things like fencing, branding tools and such
are kept in the extra smaller barn to the south of the ranch house.
It used to be the main barn until this one was built about 8 years
    Just as Benjamin was about to say more, Jake
strode in. “What’s going on? There a problem, Ben?” He asked.
    “No sir, Mr. Jake, no problem,” Benjamin
quickly responded.
    “I was just asking about some of the supplies
and where they are kept,” Stormy chimed in. “Benjamin was just
telling me where it is all kept.”
    “Get back to work Benjamin,” Jake said
gruffly. “I’ll handle this.”
    Benjamin quickly turned and started mucking
out the stalls again. Stormy could tell that he was angry and it
frankly turned her stomach. Stormy said to Jake. “Benjamin is doing
a good job, so don’t think he isn’t. As the manager and owner of
the ranch he showed me respect by answering my questions as best he
could.” She looked right into Jake’s eyes with a resolve that was
meant to let him know that Benjamin better not get into any
    “Well, you know if you have any questions you
can ask me,” he added. “Are you looking for anything specific that
I can help you with?” He asked.
    “No, just looking around to see how the ranch
is run. I’m sure you are doing a fantastic job,” she added, trying
to disguise the fact she was investigating him and the way the
ranch had been run.
    Just then Rusty and Slim entered the barn,
seemingly anxious to find Jake. They almost spat out their latest
issues but soon noticed they were not alone. As quickly as
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