The Glass Gargoyle (The Lost Ancients Book 1)

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Book: The Glass Gargoyle (The Lost Ancients Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marie Andreas
the rent money didn't come in today.
    “I’m coming,” I said as I detoured to my room and grabbed the money out of my secret drawer. With a grimace, I swung open the door. “Why, Lady Nirtha, how nice of you to visit.”
    What appeared to be a giant fuzz bunny rolled into the room. I’d given up trying to figure out Nirtha’s ancestry years ago. Whatever many races she descended from, they were all evil.
    The fuzz bunny halted as soon as she saw Harlan. I didn’t know if it was a racial thing, but Nirtha hated Harlan with a passion. Actually she feared him, but let it rise to the surface as hate.
    “Don’t you try and sweet talk me, digger girl.” She whirled so that she couldn’t see Harlan which was probably better for her mental state. “I gave you until today. Where is my money?”
    I made a show of looking at the ground, letting her think that she had me on my way out. I held it for as long as I felt safe, then looked up. I wisely kept my grin in check. I could beat Nirtha in a fair fight, but she wasn’t the type to fight fair. “Here ya go.”
    I laid the freshly earned coins in her grubby tiny paw, then stepped back. Money was something Nirtha was extremely fond of. It wasn’t a good idea to get too close to her when she counted it.
    “Where’s the rest?”
    “What rest? That’s three months’ rent there. You can’t bugger me again until spring.” What game was she playing? She was a nasty little thing, but had been painfully honest about cash up until now.
    A wracking, grating noise filled the room until I thought for certain the walls were going to cave in. But it was Nirtha. Laughing. I’d lived here almost seven years, and I had gratefully been spared that sound. Until now.
    “Ah! Haven’t read that fine contract I had you sign last year, have ya?” She launched another volley of cackles. “If you be late, you have to pay extra. You have another two weeks to produce more.”
    “What are you talking about? You never changed anything…” As we’d been speaking, Harlan had rummaged through a pile of papers near my favorite chair. It amazed me how he could move so fast when looking for something small. Which was one of the reasons he was the best archeologist in the four kingdoms. Being naturally nosy made him better at it.
    He had a familiar-looking contract in his hand and was reading it when I stopped speaking. The contract. But certainly I would have noticed a change? Harlan put down the paper and shook his head. I hadn’t read the damn thing.
    “I’ll get you the money.” Diplomacy over, I started corralling her toward the door.
    She cackled some more, then bowed toward Harlan and flounced out the door.
    “I’ve told you before that not reading details would hurt you.” Chatalings didn’t have the right teeth for making tsking sounds, but that didn’t stop Harlan from trying.
    I rested my forehead against the closed door. I hadn’t even had breakfast yet, and had already been accosted and annoyed repeatedly. And as much as I adored Harlan, he wasn’t helping. Three overall-clad faeries came whooping into the room, bouncing on Harlan’s soft belly with giggles.
    I needed time and silence to work on a plan. “Harlan, how would you like to do the girls and me a huge favor?” I rushed on before he could respond. “Since, as you said yourself, no one can go out digging now, how about you take the girls out for a visit? Somewhere. Anywhere. All day if need be.”
    The faeries weren’t even listening to me as they were busy gorging themselves on bits of sweets they’d found in his vest pockets. Harlan looked ready to debate my request, but something must have shown on my face.
    “Aye, that might be a nice thing. Keep my mind off the lack of work.” He carefully lifted the faeries up to eye level, coughing to get their sugar-riddled attention. “What of it, girls? Want to spend the day with Uncle Harlan?”
    All three screeched, then zipped toward the door. Luckily I was
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