seeking the woman of his choice.
Kamal spotted Eden at the far end of several long tables, each table containing different kinds of food and hosted by a Rising Moons courtesan. Heading for Eden, he said to his brother, ―Life being short, I'll start with dessert.‖
Grinning, Kaliq countered, ―I'm in the mood for succulent chicken.‖ He headed for Azura, his grin fading when he saw twenty or more men lined up at her station. Hearing her sweet voice offering a selection of meats, he decided he didn't mind waiting. ―Chicken or turkey?‖ ―Steak or roast?‖ ―Lobster or crab?‖ The words had never before summoned the need to taste each morsel from a woman's lips. But he wanted to taste them from Azura's. At last he reached her. What remained on her trays looked over-cooked and dry. He attributed the lack of edible remains to the greedy horde that had filled their plates to heaping.
―Oh dear,‖ she sighed, dark blue lashes fluttering, kissable pink lips pouting. ―It will take hours to prepare more. Well, the steak could be ready in a few minutes. But the crab and lobster are the very devil to shell.‖ She held out one dainty hand. ―I've dozens of tiny cuts, I labored so long over them.‖
Taking her hand—any excuse to touch her— Kaliq raised it to his lips. He could feel no cuts, tiny or otherwise. Nor did he feel the instant lust he'd experienced when he touched Eden. Disappointed, but willing to try anything to spend time with Azura, he took a plate.
―I'll take a taste of everything that's left.‖ Her smile felt like a benediction. ―Can you sit with me while I eat?‖
She stiffened. Had he affronted her? Or was she simply showing off her cleavage? Her full breasts lifted , then fell with her deep sigh. Her lashes drooped, modestly hiding her eyes.
―Alas, I cannot. Tante won't allow us to show favoritism. You must wait until the very last evening to be alone with me.‖ Looking up, she smiled. ―If, that is, you are the highest bidder.‖
Sketching a half-bow, Kaliq smiled back before he eased away. When Azura turned, he put his plate on a bus-tray and headed for the salads and vegetables. Although he had eaten nothing, a disagreeable taste lingered on his tongue.
* * * *
―Aren't you going to eat?‖ Eden asked when Kamal remained at her station.
By way of answering, Kamal took a bite of Venusian cracker bread , then chewed. His face wore an expression of serious evaluation. ―Interesting flavor.‖
Eden laughed. ―It has very little flavor. Here, try it like this.‖ Breaking off a generous piece from the bread round, she layered it with a string of pale cheese , then a slice of juicy red fruit. ―The cheese prevents the melon from dissolving the bread. Together they make a delicious trio of texture and taste. Try it.‖ She held it to his lips, cupping a napkin beneath his chin.
Maneuvering carefully, he managed to take a bite and suck the juice off her fingers. Once again he felt lust jolt through him, saw her gold-brown eyes widen and then glaze. His pantaloons suddenly seemed far too tight for his spear's comfort. Licking juices from his own lips, he saw Eden's gaze shift to his mouth.
―You want to taste me, don't you, Eden?‖
―Yes,‖ she whispered , then looked over his shoulder.
Seeing men lined up behind him, he filled his plate with cracker bread, cheese and fruit. ―I'll come back for your sweets,‖ he muttered, winking at her before he strode to a nearby table. He was especially interested in the creamy custard dessert and how it would taste when he licked it from Eden's creamy flesh.
When Kaliq joined him, both men watched Eden.
It seems, brother, you are coming to appreciate Eden.
Unfortunately, brother, I am not coming at all.
* * * *
For Eden the evening went by too quickly. She'd wanted time to study the men and how they interacted with the