The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5)

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Book: The Trials Of Ashbarn ( Book 5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeff Gunzel
is dammed, but I won’t be finding out this day.” She snapped her wrists into the air. Silver daggers flashed into each hand with a click. “Send the gods my regards.”
    * * *
    With a jolt, the Queen sat up from her bed. Her blue nightgown was damp with sweat, her hair slick and clinging to her forehead. She took several deep breaths, trying to slow her racing heartbeat, then brought a shaky hand to her side, fingers running along a white, puckered scar.

Chapter 2
    The air felt cool as it penetrated her thin nightgown. Each graceful step allowed the damp fabric to press against her legs and hug her slim figure. The Queen’s smooth, graceful strides were natural, and not something she ever practiced. Ironically, the transition from warrior to royalty was only a small step in this way. Even now, she moved like a tiger stalking its prey, despite her thoughts being miles away. Forgetting she was barely decent, she drifted across the red carpet like a lost specter in the night.
    Nightmares had become a regular occurrence in recent weeks. Between the pressures of commanding a kingdom and constant worry for her friends, sleep had become rather elusive these days. And lately, restless nights had been taking their toll. More and more frequently she found herself being forced to relive her past through her dreams, a former life few were even aware of; memories of events that helped shape the world, yet could never be spoken of. I cannot take back the things I’ve done. These haunting memories are the price I pay for my sins.
    Her body tingled from exhaustion, but it was not enough to coax her into trying to go back to sleep. Going back to her room only to stare up at the ceiling in a restless haze did not sound appealing. What she needed was a distraction. Something to help take her mind off things she had no control over anyway.
    Marching through the palace without really thinking about where she was going , the Queen found herself standing before the throne room. With an effort, she pushed one of the golden doors. Bordered with black and green grapevines that wove in and out of one another, it slowly creaked open. The chamber was empty, of course. Even if it hadn’t been the middle of the night, no one else was allowed in here without permission. On occasion, her massive bodyguards suited in red body armor would wait for her here. They were the only exception, but they were not here now.
    The col orful stained glass windows appeared black in the low light given off by the few oil lanterns that were still lit. Even the long, green banner depicting a gold star hanging behind the throne remained shadowed and dark. It was shocking, really. All the time she spent here; all the meetings discussing business, taxation, and future projects for the city, and yet the chamber looked so unfamiliar now, so foreign in the low light and complete lack of activity. She found the unfamiliarity strangely comforting tonight—a comfort sorely needed in these strange times.
    S he tiptoed across the room, as if being careful not to awaken anyone. Absurd, really. The Queen of Taron was allowed to do as she wished, which included making all the noise she wanted. Yet tonight, she didn’t want to draw any attention to herself. Tonight, she just wanted to enjoy her solitude.
    Hands clasped behind her back , trying to look innocent in case the curtains had eyes, she skipped over to a weapons rack stationed near an empty suit of armor. The silver armor was completely ornamental. Heavy, bulky, and encrusted with colored jewels, the clumsy piece would never serve in real combat. But the swords seated in the rack were quite real, and of very fine quality.
    Ilirra slipped out a short sword and held it up in the air. She twisted the blade left then right, causing it to twinkle even in the meager lamp light. With hardly a thought, she flipped it on its side, allowing the back of the blade to balance across her wrist. Fine craftsmanship; well balanced. A good
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