weaving a thousand tales and falling more and more under her husband's spell—despite the fact he would have her killed when her stories ended.
This particular event was her least favorite. It would reveal too much of her soul. But tonight's storytelling must be truthful and about herself. Tante insisted and would tell the men if any of her courtesans lied.
Sighing, Eden cradled her lute and plucked out a cheery, bouncy melody. She sang about a happy little girl who traveled with her parents all the way from Earth to Venus. For four years the little family had shared great joy with the students and teachers of Rising Moons Academy for Sensual Pleasures. But midway through the fifth year, the parents died, leaving the girl an orphan. Eden sang and strummed a dissonant note. Continuing the mournful tune, Eden told of Tante's kindness and endless patience. Of her willingness to let the girl remain with her. Of her encouragement to study subjects not normally offered at the Academy for Sensual Pleasures. The melody brightened and built to a crescendo when the girl—now on the brink of womanhood— announced her heart's desire. She would become The Consummate Courtesan, bringing welldeserved renown to Tante and Tante's academy. Eden strummed a final chord—neither dissonant nor gay. It told of uncertainty, mirroring her own uncertain future.
The spotlight went out and Eden made her way offstage. Tante awaited, swiping at tears before giving Eden a fierce hug.
―Well done,‖ Tante murmured. ―Well done.‖
On her way to the stage, Azura hissed, ―Sad, sad, sad. So very, very sssad. The men've all gone limp I'm sure. Oh well, I shall roger them up again.‖
Eden merely smiled. But when Azura took the stage, Eden hissed. ―Snake. She is like a poisonous sssnake in the grasssss.‖
Standing at her side, Colette giggled.
―Hush,‖ Eden said, her hand over her mouth,
stifling laughter.
Azura, who neither sang nor played an instrument, began her story in a little girl voice. As the girl matured, so did Azura's voice. When she finished, her husky voice promised sensual delights between silken sheets and hot, dripping sheaths.
Wanting to say something spiteful, Eden sighed. ―I wish I sounded that sultry. I imagine every man and some women, have creamed their pants.‖
―You sound sultry, Eden. Sultry and shy. Men dislike the obvious.‖ Colette sighed. ―Even if they won't admit it.‖
Her friend sounded so forlorn, Eden risked asking, ―Have you found any man to your liking?‖
Colette's face brightened. ―Several in fact. But after tonight's performance, I shan't expect them to line up outside my massage room.‖
―Then they shall miss the premier masseuse on Venus.‖
Chapter Six
Day Four
Eden, entering the dining room the next morning, noticed two things at virtually the same moment. First, the courtesans' tables now had three-sided counters around them. Second, Tante sat with Kamal and Kaliq. When they saw her looking at them, Tante's smile widened. The men looked like they wanted to slink under the snowy white tablecloth.
Taking the not-so-subtle hint that their conversation was private, Eden strolled to the table with her name on it. Picking up the card, she discovered a price list was printed on it. This morning's breakfast would include kissing booths. Kissing and hugging, Eden amended, reading further and feeling her face heat at the exorbitant cost—especially for French kisses and full-body embraces. But Tante had allowed each kiss would include a free piece of fruit. Eden snorted. Tante probably thought free fruit would relieve the men—or their wallets at any rate.
Curious, Eden went to Azura's station, relieved that her rival's list matched her own. Discovering Colette's and seven other courtesans' kisses were half the cost of hers and Azura's, Eden sent a furious scowl toward Tante's