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Book: Unlikeable Read Online Free PDF
Author: Edward Klein
own mounting health issues.
    Blinding headaches frequently plagued her, and she constantly worried that she was developing another blood clot on her brain. There were incidents on the campaign trail when she felt faint and nearly swooned. Those incidents were kept secret.
    The last time she fainted, in 2012, she was rushed to the hospital, where doctors told her that she had a right transverse venous thrombosis, or blood clot, between her brain and skull.Her doctors informed Hillary that she had an intrinsic tendency to form blood clots, and that she had to take an anticoagulant and be carefully monitored for the rest of her life.
    Another thing that concerned her was the trembling in her hands. This had been going on for some time, but the condition seemed to be getting worse. She consulted a neurologist, who told her it was nothing to be overly concerned about, but to keep an eye on it and have periodic checkups.
    â€œShe’s been a strong soldier through many political campaigns, but the trembling in her hands really concerns her,” her friend said. “For the first time since I’ve known her, she’s showing self-doubt about her strength and vitality.
    â€œThe recent stuff in the papers about her brother Tony’s dodgy financial deals really got to her,” the friend went on. “She says that all presidents and their wives have crazy brothers who embarrass them, and that she’s no exception. But Hillary’s never had any control over Tony. He’s been a repo man and taken other questionable moneymaking jobs. Tony’s definitely one of the things that keeps Hillary awake at night.”
    Hillary was having trouble sleeping. She woke up frequently and found it hard to get back to sleep. Her insomnia worried her because it sapped her energy just when she needed it the most for the campaign.
    â€œShe is exhausted and depressed a lot of the time,” one of her friends said. “She has been offered Ambien and Lunesta by her doctors. She had taken those medications in the past, but she said they made her less sharp the next day.”

    In an effort to divert attention from Hillary’s escalating e-mail scandal, her campaign released a report in late July 2015 on her medical condition from her personal physician, Doctor Lisa Bardack.According to Doctor Bardack, tests revealed “a complete resolution of the effects of the concussion as well as total dissolution of the thrombosis.”
    But that was not the whole story. In fact, Hillary’s uncertain health had forced her to cancel several meetings and cut back on her campaign schedule. She swore to friends that her doctors couldn’t find any definitive problem, but Bill believed she was in denial and was ignoring what could be life-threatening symptoms.
    Bill was so concerned that he asked a well-known cardiologist to review Hillary’s medical records. After looking over her cardiograms and X-rays and other records, the cardiologist recommended that Hillary travel with a full-time physician who would keep her under constant observation.
    â€œMost politicians are reluctant to be monitored by a doctor because they fear that if the results are leaked to the press, the information might harm their chances of election,” the cardiologist said in an interview for this book. “But doctors are discreet. And in Hillary’s case, it is very important that she be monitored on a daily basis. Her symptoms—the fainting—are very worrisome, especially for someone of her age. I have a lot of experience with political candidates and have seen the toll that the stress of a campaign can take. It’s stressful for young candidates, and for older ones like Hillary, it’s beyond belief.”
    Hillary admitted to one of her best friends that she often got “dizzy” and “woozy.”
    â€œBut she told me that there was no need for a full-time doctor to travel with her on the campaign
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