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Book: Unlikeable Read Online Free PDF
Author: Edward Klein
But Hillary had convinced him that the foundation had to be given a top-to-bottom scouring and that Donna would apply a stiff brush.
    Bill didn’t hold it against Donna that she had accepted the job. In fact, he couldn’t hide his pleasure at seeing her, and he greeted her with a hug and kisses.
    Donna was all business. She didn’t waste time telling Bill and Hillary exactly what she intended to do as the new CEO of the foundation.
    â€œI’m going to run the place as a normal foundation in terms of fund-raising and spending,” she said.
    Hillary nodded her head.
    Bill snorted when Donna used the word “normal.”
    â€œHis attention seemed to wander,” one of the Clintons’ friends recalled in an interview, “and in the middle of the discussion, he got up from his chair, walked across the room with his back to Donna, and patted his wooden cigar-store Indian on the head, as though it was a talisman. I got the distinct impression that, no matter what Donna said or did, Bill was going to do it his way.”

    Betrayed and wronged in everything,
    I’ll flee this bitter world where vice is king. . . .
    â€”Moliere, The Misanthrope
    B ill Clinton’s ambivalence about Hillary’s political future must have sent chills down her spine, for as the feminist author Camille Paglia pointed out, Hillary had never found a way to succeed“without her husband’s connections, advice, and intervention.”
    In fact, it was debatable whether anyone would have heard of Hillary Rodham if it hadn’t been for William Jefferson Clinton.
    Throughout her marriage, Bill had always been the leader, the brilliant and successful politician, and she had always been the follower and beneficiary of his power and influence:
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  •      Hillary was asked to join Little Rock’s prestigious Rose Law Firm in the 1970s only after Bill ascended to the post of Arkansas attorney general, the chief legal officer who dealt on a daily basis with the state’s law firms.
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  •      She was made a partner in the Rose Law Firm only after Bill was elected governor of the state, with all the patronage and influence that that office possessed.
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  •      She was elected a U.S. senator thanks to the wave of sympathy created by Bill’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky, which lent Hillary a much-needed aura of vulnerability as the wronged woman.She also profited from the votes Bill bought for her by granting pardons to crooked New York Hassidim and violent Puerto Rican nationalists.
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  •      She was appointed secretary of state in large part because Barack Obama desperately wanted to sideline Bill Clinton and thwart his plots and intrigues.
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  •      Even now, her chief political asset was not herself; it was Bill. No one ever had to give Bill Clinton lessons in likeability.

    If Hillary’s career was defined by her connection to Bill Clinton, her character was shaped by her parents.
    Her father, Hugh Rodham Sr., a former naval drill instructor, was abusive. As I wrote in The Truth about Hillary :
    Some visitors to the Rodham home recalled Hugh Sr. as a scary figure—a barrel-chested man with a booming voice, who was always criticizing Hillary’s posture and telling her: “Head up, chin in, chest out, stomach in!” An acquaintance once described him as “tougher than a corn cob, as gruff as could be.”
    â€œAmong both relatives and friends,” wrote Roger Morris in Partners in Power , “many thought Hugh Rodham’s treatment of his daughter and sons amounted to the kind of psychological abuse that might have crushed some children.”
    In her memoir Living
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