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Book: Unleashed Read Online Free PDF
Author: Crystal Jordan
silver dust that left no trace of her passing. Deus, she loved her gadgets.
    The triumph was short-lived. She heard the distinct sound of claws scrabbling against brick and peeked over the edge. Bullets exploded into the railing, forcing her back, but she caught a glimpse of a massive Komodo dragon climbing up the side of the building. Fast.
    Adrenaline flooded her system, fight-or-flight instincts warring within her. She could stay and fight, but a smart fox knew when to run, so she hoisted her pack and ran as if her ass had been lit on fire. A short leap and she was on the next rooftop, but the dragon-shifter wasn’t far behind her. She could sense him closing in, his reptilian speed giving him the advantage. Her muscles burned, but she kept sprinting. She’d rather not be gang-raped before someone put a bullet in her brainpan. That thought sent energy coursing through her and she shot forward. Sweat poured down her face, searing her eyes. She wouldn’t last much longer, and the dragon wasn’t slowing.
    He was gaining on her.
    A building loomed before her, higher than any of the others around it. She didn’t know if her grappler could reach high enough to get her to the top, but she’d try. Swinging the gun around, she fired and the mercurite hit about a meter below the ledge.
    She’d take it.
    Switching the setting so it would pull her up, her senses howled that the dragon was there, upon her. Hurry! She leaped forward, launching herself off the side of the building. His claws raked across her calf, slicing through her clothes and flesh. She screamed, one hand slipping off the gun. The wind rushed by at dizzying speed as she spun wildly through the air. She gagged when she slammed into the side of the taller building, the breath exploding from her lungs. Dangling for a long moment, her arm screeching from the abuse, she reached her free hand up and grabbed for the ledge. Shimmying forward, she slowly hauled herself up to the rooftop.
    Tumbling over the railing, she lay there, panting for breath, still clutching the grappler. She was more grateful than ever that she’d dropped the load of creds it took to buy the gun. Kissing the grip, she let it clatter to the rooftop. The cold blast of air from Lake Michigan was welcome in cooling down her sweaty flesh. She closed her eyes, sucking in oxygen as fast as her lungs would allow. It took long minutes before her body stopped shaking from the adrenaline. That was a far closer call than she cared for. She tested her limbs and drew in a sharp breath as the sting from her leg made her wince. Rolling into a sitting position, she put the grappler away and pulled out the small med kit she carried with her. The occasional tremor in her fingers made it take longer than she would have liked to slap a nanopatch over her torn flesh. She flexed her calf. It wasn’t too bad. She could still walk on it, run if she had to.
    Which meant she could still do a bit more information seeking before she called it a night. Normally, she’d seriously consider taking her ass home right now, but her client wanted Tam tracked down immediately, if not sooner, and he was handing over a lot of creds to make that happen. A client as wealthy as he was could send a lot of prime business Gea’s way if she made him happy. Plus, she was too tenacious to scurry home just yet. It was a trait that made her good at her job.
    She dug out her palmtop computer, keyed in a code, and waited. A woman’s face appeared on the vidscreen, her green eyes wide with curiosity. “Gea.”
    â€œDelilah, I was wondering if you have time for a meeting.”
    Gea wiped at the sweat on her brow and made her voice nonchalant, though she knew the other woman would see through the façade. “Tonight works for me, but whenever you have a free moment.”
    â€œYou look a little out of breath.” Delilah’s eyebrows arched and she leaned closer to
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