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Author: Unknown
"I don't want to go to any lab. I want you to take my blood, but here at my home, this evening."
         "I'm sorry. But I can't do that."
         "I'll pay you directly."
         "It's just not a professional thing to do. I'd have to clear it with my boss..."
         "I'll pay you $200."
         "I'd need to get the supplies, check with the hospital..."
         "Make it $400"
         "I couldn't be alone with you."
         "Make it $600 and my wife will be there all the time."
         "That's a lot of money just to have your blood taken at home. I mean..."
         "Listen, Brooke. I'm a very respectable citizen here. I have a very big business and I make lots of money. I just can't stand being in hospitals. We'll even keep the door open all the time. Check with your boss."
         Six hundred dollars would buy a lot, and I was starting to run out of my savings. I hadn't been paid yet by the hospital, and the Corolla needed a new set of pinstripes.
         "All right, let me check with my boss. Can you call back near the end of the day?"
         "Sure. And thanks."
         "No promises yet."
         The thought of making six hundred extra bucks for a few minutes work sounded great. Too great, I admit, but a girl can dream, can't she?
         I walked over to John's office, which was in the main hospital building a few blocks away, but the door was locked. I could tell he was in because I heard noise from the inside.  So I knocked. Twice. Three times. Four times. I can be very annoying. In fact, Ryan says my tombstone should be engraved, "She lived to annoy."
         "What is it?" he yelled from the inside.
         "It's Brooke. Brooke Castle."
         The door opened a crack, so I could see his face but nothing else.
         "I could come back later if you'd like."
         "No that's okay. I have to leave soon. What can I do for you?"
         "I got a call from Jason Reynolds..."
         "Jason Reynolds? He runs the biggest company around here."
         "He needs his blood taken but he wants me to do it at his home in the evening."  I left out the part about the six hundred dollars.
         John was distracted, kept looking back into his office.
         "Are you sure I shouldn't come back? I mean..."
         "No. I told you I have to be leaving soon. What was that again?"
         "Mr. Reynolds wants me to come to his house tonight and take his blood. I told him I'd have to check with you."
         "It's fine, you can do it."
         "I can?"
         "Listen. Jason Reynolds is a big player around here. One of the biggest. If he wants you to take his blood, or give him an enema, it's okay with me."
         That was not a pleasant thought.
         "What about supplies?"
         "Just take whatever you need from the lab. Make sure you have the labels for the tubes, and drop the tubes at the main lab in the hospital when you're done."
         Then he closed the door in my face.  I was going to tell him about the $600 but never had the chance. That was his fault, not mine.
         When I got back to the lab, I mentioned how strange John seemed.
         "You didn't actually knock when the door was closed, girl?" Joan asked.
         "Yeah. Why not?"
         She looked at the other girls. "I guess we should have warned you."
         "Well, we're not exactly sure what goes on inside that office."
         "I can guess," giggled Gail. "Just use your imagination."
         "Sometimes he locks the door, and you hear strange noises all the way down the hall. We never know if someone is in there with him, or..."
         "Some thing is more like it."
         "Anyway, we don't know for sure. All we know, from experience, is that he doesn't like to be disturbed, and none of us want to get that close to find out what's going on in there."
         "Well, I had to knock a few times before he opened the door. He really
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